Detroit Red talks about how much maintenance man Ken is missed at the Normandie Hotel…
Charlie LeDuffJune 25, 2023

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BR_le52AZTk I'll always be honest with you. If I rip you off, I'll own it.
Charlie LeDuffMay 18, 2023

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=53bU9v-V4zk JiveGPT is the latest in AI for solving your writing issues. Especially if you're…
Charlie LeDuffMay 11, 2023

The Dan Gilbert skyscraper gpt $60 million in exchange for letting poor people live there.…
Charlie LeDuffMarch 29, 2023

Comedian Detroit Red was put out of his house by his ex-wife. He moved into…
Charlie LeDuffFebruary 20, 2023

Comedian Detroit Red has been put out on the street by his ex-wife. With no…
Charlie LeDuffJanuary 28, 2023

Life at the Normandy Hotel (part II) -- The Laundromat featuring @ComedianDetroitRed
Charlie LeDuffOctober 1, 2022

Crack house finally shut down, sort of. Leader of the New Black Panther Party Minister…
Charlie LeDuffAugust 20, 2022

A crack house in eastside Detroit is still open for business a week after a…
Charlie LeDuffAugust 13, 2022