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A damning new report in the Detroit News shows Governor Whitmer and her administration knew that the nursing homes were a cesspool of covid infections. And yet they kept shipping the sick and elderly to the homes where healthy people lived.
They hid the proof for 3 years. But we already knew, didn’t we?

More Whitmer scandal?
We reported accurately last week that Whitmer’s campaign — after a tilt-a-whirl of excuse making and money shifting — paid for her private jet trip to Florida at the height of the pandemic.
Whitmer’s pillow-fluffers are calling for a correction that they shall not receive. Produce evidence that the check was cashed, madam.

What kind of man wears a lab coat in his living room at ten o’clock at night?
A Whitmer campaign volunteer spewing talking points about a failed nursing home strategy- that’s who.

And Charlie’s profile in Hour Detroit Magazine. The big take-away: “a Whitmer aide told me later, they certainly weren’t going to risk her talking to LeDuff.”
If you’re afraid of little ‘ole LeDuff how will you talk to Putin?
Or will you dodge his calls too?

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