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The Democrats are now calling for censorship or jail time for misinformation and disinformation.

Trump and his 2020 election denial.

Trump claiming the greatest economy of all-time.

Immigrants snacking on Fido and Fifi.



The queen of all psy-ops and disinformation has to be Hillary’s fake Steele Dossier. 

That led to years of the Russian Hoax. 

The political turmoil that led to January 6th. 

It’s the biggest and most damaging hoax since Weapons of Mass destruction. 

Clinton voted for that Republican fake as well. 

If Trump was dragged to the defendants table for campaign election fraud, then Clinton belongs in a New York courtroom, too.

The Hunter Biden laptop had all the earmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign. 


But THAT was a disinformation campaign cooked up by the Biden campaign and spread by the spy agencies and the dopes in the media. 

Do they belong in jail?

More bullshit still from the Democratic elites – Dictator from Day One. 


Very fine people on both sides. 

Trumps Project 2025. 

Trump’s National Abortion Ban. 

Trump will cut Social Security. 

Fake border numbers. 

Fake inflation numbers. 

Fake crime numbers. 

Cheap fakes. 

Bidens competency. 

No troops in war zones.

Harris and her campaign footmen are congenital deceivers. 

The TV stations who air their campaign commercials for big money are co-conspirators.

Are we really going to censor them? 

How?     Worse: Who? 

Some hipster with a Princeton degree and caramel colored saddle shoes?

Some deep state cadaver from the smoke-filled bunker?

AOC? Hillary?

Be careful what you ask for America. 

You’ll go after your opponents now. 

You’ll muzzle them. You’ll convict them. 

And you’ll be happy. 

Until…they come after you.

Free Speech is sacrosanct in a Democracy. Without it, it’s an autocracy dressed in a silk robe. 

Remember the founders wrote down the right to free speech  BEFORE they memorialized your right to privacy, your right to guns or your right to a fair trial. 

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Speaker 1 (00:04):
So now the Democrats are calling for censorship or jail time for misinformation and disinformation. Roll the tape mark.

Speaker 2 (00:14):
We’re going to have to figure out how we reign in our media environment so that you can’t just spew disinformation and misinformation. It’s one thing to have differing opinions, but it’s another thing entirely to just say things that are false. And so that’s something that we’re looking into.

Speaker 1 (00:40):
What could she be talking about Trump and his 2020 election denial. Trump claiming the greatest economy of all time immigrants snacking on Fido and Fifi. Okay, but the queen of all PSYOPs and disinformation has to be Hillary’s fake steel dossier that led to years of the Russian hoax and that caused the political turmoil that led to January 6th. It’s the biggest and most damaging hoax since the weapons of mass destruction that the Republicans brought you. And Clinton voted for that Republican fake as well. If Trump was dragged to the defendant’s table for campaign election fraud, then Clinton belongs in the New York courtroom too. The Hunter Biden laptop had all the earmarks of Russian disinformation. Remember? But that was a disinformation campaign cooked up by the Biden campaign and spread by the spy agencies and the dopes in the media. Do they belong in jail? More bullshit still from the democratic elites this time around.

Dictator from day one, bloodbath very fine people on both sides. Trump’s 2025 project Trump’s national abortion ban. Trump will cut social security, fake border numbers, fake inflation numbers, cheap fakes, biden’s competency, and no troops in war zones. Well, we just sent more there, didn’t we? Harris and her campaign Footmen are congenital deceivers. The TV stations who air their campaign commercials for big money are her co-conspirators. Are we really going to censor them? How worse? Who? Some hipster with a Princeton degree and caramel colored saddle shoes. Some deep state cadaver from the smoke field bunker. A OC. Hillary. Be careful what you ask for America. You’ll go after your opponents now. You’ll muzzle them, you’ll convict them, you’ll jail them, and you’ll be happy until they come after you. Free speech is sacrosanct and a democracy without it. It’s an autocracy dressed in a silk robe. Remember, the founders wrote down the right to free speech first before they memorialize your right to privacy, your right to guns or your right to a fair trial. Let’s row

Speaker 3 (03:16):
Live from downtown Detroit. It’s the no bullshit news hour with my main man, Charlie and Karen Dub sister Breakiness. Double more bullshit. Do more bullshit.

Speaker 1 (03:45):
Where’s my commercial? Look at Mark all said, listen, the politicians lie to you. The media lies you. How do you know if your investment statements are lying to you? Remember, you’re not managing your wealth. That’s some unseen guy working for a big bank. Jockeying an algorithm, but he’s not making decisions based on what’s best for you. He’s making decisions on what’s best for his bonus. Gambling with your hard earned dollars. You should know your money, man. That’s why I work with financial specialists. Luke Nacky at Pinnacle Wealth Strategies, he’ll tailor a financial plan for you. Annuities, retirement accounts, college savings, metals, utilities. What’s going on? Everything’s up and down like a wash woman’s ass on Monday, he’ll keep you up to date and always a phone call away. Let Luke Nacky worry so you don’t have to call him now. (248) 663-4748. And a Angel Senior Management. You got that KO queued up. There you go. Are you an entrepreneur looking for a safe and socially responsible real estate investment? Consider contacting Archangel Senior Management. Senior living is one of the fastest growing markets in America. Is it not Senator?

Speaker 4 (05:00):
It absolutely is.

Speaker 1 (05:00):
And Archangel offers small communal living for senior citizens in homes, right in the neighborhoods. Sounds fascinating. Does it not? Sounds great. It’s the antithesis to those cold corporate nursing homes. You sat in committee and heard so much about during Covid.

Speaker 4 (05:15):
Oh yeah,

Speaker 1 (05:16):
They’re cesspools. Here’s the answer. Archangel has formed partnerships with a nursing school and Majestic Residences, a home-based assisted living franchise system. This partnership provides authentic caregivers with the tools and training necessary to manage their own care homes eventually owning them. And Archangel investors are in that real estate deal and they can feel secure in both their investment and the care being given to the seniors. The cares genuine. The owners are local and Archangel has Overwatch. If interested in this trailblazing opportunity, contact Archangel and 9 8 9 6 1 4 0 4 1 6. Are you white? Woken up, mark. I am

Speaker 5 (06:06):
American, Coney Island. So good. Even Al Wilker from the Today Show Eats here. I like that other guy, Al Joker who eats at Lafayette. So make sure you are a Roker and not a joker. American. Coney Island.

Speaker 1 (06:30):
Okay, we’re back. Yep. Okay. Listen, today we have a debate, just a big debate. This is for the seventh Congressional District basically Lansing. It is the most highly contested congressional race in the country and will probably be one of the most expensive. And we are really pleased to have former state senator. Former helicopter pilot, right? Yeah. Were you with the first calf?

Speaker 4 (07:02):
No, I was back here in Michigan out of Grand Ledge, but did active duty too, but yeah,

Speaker 1 (07:07):
You did. Did you do it in the war zone?

Speaker 4 (07:08):
Yeah. Started a tour in Iraq. Not when I was a pilot, but did

Speaker 1 (07:10):
A tour. Did you see Tim Walls there?

Speaker 4 (07:12):
I did. He must’ve been there when I wasn’t. I didn’t see him on my deployment.

Speaker 1 (07:18):
So Army man, former senator Tom Barrett and his want to welcome his opponent on the Democratic side Cardboard. Kurt Hertel. He’s right here.

Speaker 6 (07:32):
See, he has a wardrobe malfunction.

Speaker 1 (07:36):
Oh, it’s a Jana Jackson. Don’t look at that. So we got a mannequin here because Curtis, dude, you’re a weasel. You are. You’re a weasel. The people want to know this one’s for keeps. You have been, oh, the director of Health and Human Services during Covid. Your wife now runs it. You were witmer’s lobbyists. You helped make these budgets. A lot of money went out to special interest. You’re now putting out commercials where you’re pouring gas in a lawnmower. You’re a regular guy and you can’t even bend over to put the gas in. You’re taking a knee. We don’t have that, do we? I’m not playing it for you either. We gave you ample opportunity. I don’t understand. As a guy whose whole life you would call him a Democrat. I never belong to a party, but I’m from Michigan. I’m actually really from the working class and I never worked at a fucking McDonald’s, never.

I worked at a Chichis and it was right on the service drive at Middle Belt Road. Kamala, I can tell you where the fuck I worked. I can tell you the factories I worked in. I can tell you the flower shops. I was an ice cream man. I was a carpenter. I laid tile. So what? That’s not what we’re asking you to do. So Curtis, you’re a creature from the lagoon and you don’t have the guts to show up for the debate. So we’re going to let hologram hertel back here answer for you and a caveat because Senator Barrett here did have the guts. It ain’t going to be softballs, dude. You know what I mean? I don’t support you. I don’t not support you. I don’t support him. I do not support people have a right to know. They’re making a big decision. Hertel, if you take any of this program, any of it like Whitmer did, who doesn’t have the balls to here, never gives an interview, puts out stupid TikTok videos because she’s empty and then you steal my program to win yourself a governorship. And I told you, cease and deis remember?

Speaker 6 (09:42):
Yeah, I do remember.

Speaker 1 (09:43):
Okay, so the big swampy blob that is politics in this country, the Democratic Governor’s Association. No, I’m not. I wasn’t going to sue, but there was a copyright infringement. So I’m going to make you a promise, Curtis. Now until election day, you take a second of this or any of your proxies, I’m going to hound you. You’re going to see me every day and you’re going to answer for how you got that big contract for pretty much no-show job. Why the Chinese are getting this money, why people are signing nondisclosure agreements. Where is the GM fact? Get the fuck out of here. So be warned, but enjoy it. It’s going to be great. So first we want to get to Detroit because last week I was on assignment trying to cover the auto workers getting screwed, new big contract and all of a sudden everybody gets laid up. So we did something on the jail. Have you called around on the jail?

Speaker 6 (10:42):
No, I have not specifically, but I’m hearing things that it’s big, it’s beautiful, but we’re stuck with the debt. Wayne County that was supposed to be absorbed by Dan Gilbert and that it is compromised from a design a functionality standpoint.

Speaker 1 (10:59):
That was a nice cover.

Speaker 6 (11:02):
Okay, well, I’m the good copier, the bad cop Charlie.

Speaker 1 (11:08):
We’re supposed to have spent $400 million. We’re going to spend $600 million. The taxpayer, Dan Gilbert’s going to build it. Any overrun he’s going to take, he’s not taking the overrun. We handed him all of downtown. He’s now got the reen. He gets to collect the income tax from who’s ever left from GM that’s moving out of there into his building that we’re paying for. He owns the former jail, the courthouse, everything down there, the

Speaker 6 (11:33):
OUAW building off Jefferson. He owns everything

Speaker 1 (11:36):
And he’s going to build a new jail and he never built a jail. And now we’re way over budget and we’re going to get stuck with it. Now how is that jail? Well, according to my sources, first of all, nobody’s allowed to know, but here’s the intel from the inside. The ceiling’s falling in. The plumbing doesn’t work. You can’t plug in microwaves because the circuit board is antiquated. These are supposed to be harm proof cells. Guy hung himself to death. A week later a woman is at 36 district court, right? For her arraignment, she hangs herself in his dead. Now that’s at 36 district, not the new jail, but the county’s so fucked up from this Merry-go-round of money that they don’t have deputies at 36 district, they have private security. You can’t get anybody be a deputy. So we’re going to hire like,

Speaker 6 (12:28):
Yeah, but everybody’s been saying it’s been in a recruitment issue. And so people don’t, they have not found something to resonate with to be able to get people to want to be a part of

Speaker 1 (12:37):
It. Well, because all the money’s getting siphoned off. Now what are we getting here? Here’s what else would happen. It’s all tied together quietly, the public, and we’ve already voted, we don’t want it. We have to now pay for the Q line, this stupid choo train that they say private investors put their money into it and 25 million from the federal government. They sold bonds for that.

Speaker 6 (13:06):
But they’re making it sound

Speaker 1 (13:08):
Like they sold bonds for that.

Speaker 6 (13:08):
That they’re rolling it into the transportation, the bigger transportation picture and nobody’s telling you. Yeah, but we’re also absorbing the debt. And that’s the small caveat that nobody is.

Speaker 1 (13:18):
So we making Wall Street hole for something we didn’t want that we told you wasn’t going to work.

Speaker 6 (13:22):
Doesn’t work.

Speaker 1 (13:23):
It doesn’t work. So now Gilbert’s out there pushing more mass transit. First of all, Dan, you know what the fuck you talk about, dude, this is another hustle. You never, I ride the buses as a matter of ease and as a matter of being a reporter, they’re not full. We don’t need more buses. We don’t. Just don’t ride. You’ll see, and you want to train to Ann Arbor. That’s what this is all about. Just like the Q line. So you can bring people down to your hotel. I’m not paying everybody. Beware of this hustle. When they say Detroit the comeback, oh, it was in

Speaker 6 (14:04):
And it was supposed to be the golfers or something. I guess that was

Speaker 1 (14:07):
Just a poster. said, money says Detroit’s one of the places to

Speaker 6 (14:13):
Live to live,

Speaker 1 (14:14):
But US News and we’re reporting data shows. It’s one of, lemme do what I got. Okay. Detroit is considered to have the worst public school district in the United States where 6% of high school students are proficient at math. Sound like a place you want to move your family.

Speaker 6 (14:32):

Speaker 1 (14:33):
Detroit has the highest property tax rate in urban America, in the whole country at the same time. Detroit, according to US, news World Report is the third most dangerous city in America. Second most dangerous big city. After Memphis, the revenue’s been falling under Mike Duggan. Hey, he’s great. Hey Mike Duggan, follow me people. A little bit of numbers here. When we went bankrupt in 2013, the amount of taxes that the city of Detroit was pulling in property taxes, business tax, income tax was about 1.2 billion. Okay? 11 years later, we’re pulling in about $1.3 billion. Oh, mark, that’s a hundred million dollars increase. That’s nice. Except when you take inflation into account and now everybody knows what inflation is. So in order to have kept equal with the bankruptcy year, we’d have to be pulling in 1.5 billion. We’ve lost $200 million.

Speaker 6 (15:38):
But Charlie, let’s do this to voodoo outside of US News and World Report and all that, talk to people who live here. I don’t mean people that come here to visit, I don’t mean people that bought into the new and shiny and they’re moving into the new apartments and they see a limited part of the city. Talk to people who live here and I will tell you that all of that, none of that translates into an enhanced quality of life here. It’s expensive to live here. It is dangerous to live here and the quality of life isn’t here to justify the high cost.

Speaker 1 (16:09):
It’s definitely two cities. I mean it was like we’re thinking it’s two cities.

Speaker 6 (16:13):
No, it’s two. It’s two.

Speaker 1 (16:15):
Yeah. Ahead, Senator. Well, I served Tom Barrett running for congress Seventh district. I’m

Speaker 4 (16:20):
Not from Detroit of course, but I

Speaker 1 (16:23):
Would this the capital city, bro. So you know something about Detroit.

Speaker 4 (16:25):
You grew up

Speaker 1 (16:26):
In the burbs here,

Speaker 4 (16:26):
Right? I did. So

Speaker 1 (16:27):
You knew about Detroit

Speaker 4 (16:28):
And I served on the Michigan Land Bank board before I got elected to office. And at one time we were the largest landowner in Detroit because we had the most parcels were in the Michigan Land Bank. It was tax reverted property that nobody was buying. You remember they had that minimum bid auction for $500 for a property and it still wasn’t selling and it would get turned over to Land Bank. Keep

Speaker 1 (16:51):
It simple. We’ll get an international audience here. So the point being what? Well, you

Speaker 4 (16:55):
Go into Brightmoor and it’s a ghost town there, so it’s not like it is in downtown in Midtown. Your point about the two cities and everything else

Speaker 1 (17:03):
Just incredibly different. So we now know talking to the people we talked about crime and all the Kens and Barbies on cable tv who never worked a cold night on a homicide as a reporter, doesn’t know anything about these numbers, never put the time in. They wear makeup and they spew talking points. Now it becomes clear to them the FBI crime numbers, LA’s not reporting. New York’s not reporting. Chicago’s not reporting. Phoenix isn’t reporting. New Orleans isn’t reporting. What would that tell you about national crime rates? If the big cities, the dangerous cities aren’t reporting,

Speaker 6 (17:44):
They’re not accurate.

Speaker 1 (17:45):
Boom. So all of a sudden they find out there’s a survey of people, the crime victim survey, who tell you crime’s going through the roof. So now they bend the knee, you’re confronted with a survey, here’s what they’re leaning on. I heard this on Fox from the resident liberal who doesn’t know her ass from her elbow and she’s not a liberal, she’s a strategist. Liberals are cool to me. Liberals are coming from a place. Strategists are guns for hire and they just talk shit and they’ve never been in the real world and they won’t go out there because they’ll be eaten alive except for you, Jason.

Speaker 6 (18:19):
I was going to say,

Speaker 1 (18:20):
Yeah, present company is rooted some for real and those are the don’t include him. Yeah, those are the people like Dick. Those are the ones who know what they’re talking about. Hey, Curtis cardboard. Curtis.

Yeah. He’s busy talking to a strategist. Here’s the thing, she says, well, I mean that’s true. Crime’s up. It’s good to talk to people, but you can’t hide a body. And the FBI says murder’s down 12% from last year. If you knew what you were talking about, let me put up a chart here. Can you put this up, mark? Okay, for those of you listening, can’t see it. For those of you watching, can’t see it. This is murder, homicide, homicide from 2015 to 2023. There’s two different columns. One is the FBI’s number, that’s the one in orange murder in America per a hundred thousand. The one on the left in blue is the Center for Disease Control. Their homicide count from 2015 to 2023 every year. Of course the CDC reports more homicides than the police do, and the police report it to the FBI and the FBI duly reports it to the public every year.

It’s about a 5% difference between what the CDC finds and what the police report. Where does the CDC get its information from all the county coroners in America? The coroners determine cause of death. That would be homicide, that would be accidental, that would be natural and that would be overdose. Okay, so if you accidentally ran somebody over that’s not a homicide. If you intentionally ran ’em over, that’s a homicide. So you’ll notice since Biden took office and the way they calculated murders and all these big agencies aren’t reporting that the gap between the CDC and the FBI really starts to widen. So let me get close there. In 2019, the CDC reported about 5.6 murders or homicides per hundred thousand. The police reported 5.2. Okay, so 0.4, fast forward to 2023, the CDCs reporting seven and a half and the police are reporting about five and a half. That’s a 30% difference. So when the bone heads on TV tell you crime murder dropped 12%, it didn’t. These are fake fucking numbers. You’re not safer it we’re all telling them and they can’t understand why the stock market’s great and crime’s going down. What’s wrong with America? You’re too dumb to know what your life’s about.

Speaker 6 (21:17):
But Charlie, a second ago you were talking about people talking heads and the makeup and they’re spewing talking points and all of this is to support a narrative. We talked about people wanting different for this city for so long that they’re creating their reality through a control narrative.

Speaker 1 (21:35):
Yeah, but how about some outrage from you two?

Speaker 4 (21:38):

Speaker 1 (21:39):
Come on. I mean, the fuck is

Speaker 4 (21:40):
That? This is the same government that lies to us about every single,

Speaker 1 (21:43):
You’re the government.

Speaker 4 (21:44):
I’m not the government. Well,

You were the government. Why? I am not the one who puts out, I’m the one that challenges stuff like this. It’s the same government that tells us, oh, inflation is better. The economy is great. It’s like, hey, stupid, you can’t afford your groceries. But don’t worry, the economy’s great. That’s what they’re shoving down everybody’s throat. That’s what everybody is so upset about. That’s what everybody is enraged at our government lying to us telling us that the withdrawal from Afghanistan was a great success, telling us that the economy is in great shape, telling us that we don’t need to worry about inflation telling us that the border is secure. That’s what the government’s been telling us. This is the least of the statistical problems that the government is shoving down our throat and lying to us about. And people fundamentally, they don’t trust institutions and they don’t trust the government because the government has let them down from A to Z and top to bottom.

Speaker 1 (22:31):
As Karen just said though, that it’s a manipulation man, and we’re tired of being manipulated. And here’s the other thing. What are you going to do about this?

Speaker 4 (22:40):
Well, they don’t care about truthful data. No, they don’t care. They don’t care about telling us the truth. They only care about the next year’s election cycle, the next month, the next few weeks if they can eek by you got Kamala Harris out there trying to say that she’s tough on the border, that border issues tough and so is Kamala Harris and she’s ignoring the absolute failure that she’s had, that she’s culpable for. They went out there and told us that Joe Biden was spry as ever and running laps around his staff. They told us everything that was a fiction. The withdrawal from Afghanistan. Remember two days or three days after our Marines were killed in Afghanistan, they did that drone strike and said they blew up ISIS fighters and it turns out it was a car full of kids and it took the New York Times three months to get the Biden administration to admit it.

Speaker 1 (23:25):

Speaker 4 (23:25):
They lied to us

Speaker 1 (23:26):
And they ran

Speaker 4 (23:26):
With it consistently. Consistently.

Speaker 1 (23:28):
So look, I mean since you want to do Harris, this would be a runaway for Trump except for fucking January 6th. That bullshit. I don’t think he incited it, but he came up with the bullshit that it was stolen and there are no real good evidence that I can see that shows that. So yes or no was 2020. We’re just trying to build a base of who you are. Was that a stolen election?

Speaker 4 (23:55):
Well, first of all, I hope you want me on your show to go more than yes or no questions.

Speaker 1 (23:59):
Well first, no you don’t. Good,

Speaker 4 (24:02):

Speaker 1 (24:03):
That’s clear. And then you can give

Speaker 4 (24:04):
Sure. Yeah. Here’s the

Speaker 1 (24:06):
Issue though. So Tom is not an election denier. We’ll start with that. That’s important. Now go ahead and concisely, sir, you have one minute.

Speaker 4 (24:17):
Jocelyn Benson broke the law, our Secretary of State,

Speaker 1 (24:20):
That is true.

Speaker 4 (24:21):
That was found three months after the election.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
How did she break the law?

Speaker 4 (24:24):
She disregarded. She instructed the clerks to disregard any of the signature verification on the ballots that came in through the mail. She cannot know.

Speaker 1 (24:32):
She gave the direction to assume that it’s true. Yes, that’s against the

Speaker 4 (24:35):
Law. And it was found to be against the law. The court march. March of 2021.

Speaker 1 (24:39):
That’s not a conspiracy. That’s the fact.

Speaker 4 (24:40):
That is the truth. Okay, so how much effect did that have? Nobody can know once those ballots are tabulated, you don’t know who’s is who’s anymore.

Speaker 1 (24:47):
Do you know that I processed the most absentee ballots in the state of Michigan?

Speaker 4 (24:51):
I did not know that.

Speaker 1 (24:52):
In 2020, that night at TCF, you’re a hundred percent correct.

Speaker 4 (24:55):

Speaker 1 (24:56):
Go ahead.

Speaker 4 (24:56):
Yeah, so when you break the law that way, you cannot then just say nothing happened to this is all great and fine, but no, I don’t go out there. I wasn’t at January 6th, I was at home with my nine months pregnant wife waiting for her to go into labor on January 6th, 2021. And I condemned that violence that took place in real time. I don’t support violence. Nobody that I associate with endorses or condones violence. And this is just an absolute attack. But no, you can’t go out and break the law and expect that no one’s going to call you out for it. So people want to just cover this up and paper right over it and say nothing happened. No, she broke the law. What are the repercussions?

Speaker 1 (25:35):
What you’re saying? That was a minute I had to cut you off.

Speaker 4 (25:37):

Speaker 1 (25:37):
It’s a mess. You go

Speaker 4 (25:38):
Curtis. Now

Speaker 1 (25:39):
It’s Curtis. Do you believe that the Secretary of State is sloppy? That there are too many people enrolled? There’s 106% of the adults enrolled. Do you believe that she’s not handling the qualified voter files? The absentee ballot signatures, the fact she thought she could ban firearms within a certain distance of the Do you think she’s overstepped? Curtis? Curtis?

Speaker 4 (26:08):

Speaker 6 (26:09):
That’s too many questions.

Speaker 4 (26:10):
I know Curtis a little bit maybe he just thinks that Michigan is really good at voter registration and we’re so good at it that we have 106% of our eligible adults

Speaker 1 (26:20):
Registered and voter motor. I know two people personally that aren’t citizens that when they went to get their driver’s license, they automatically register. They didn’t even ask them. So when again, the pinheads who are for sale like in media, you know what they like story. They like to get their little story. And so when I hear the talking point, it’s a Debbie, it’s against the law, it against federal law. Illegals can’t vote. No they can’t. But there’s nothing stopping them.

Speaker 4 (26:54):
You know what else is against the law home invasion. But I bet you lock your doors too.

Speaker 1 (26:57):
Yeah, and you know what? No, you’re right. My neighbor, my neighbors and my nice fluffy, pleasant Valley Sunday suburb. You’re right. No human’s illegal, but the shit they do is illegal.

Speaker 6 (27:11):
So should voters trust the integrity of the process? I mean, if you’re saying the Secretary of State is sloppy

Speaker 3 (27:17):

Speaker 6 (27:18):
We’ve talked about voter rolls not being purged, people that are deceased are still voting. I mean, could that contribute to voter apathy? People just don’t trust the process.

Speaker 4 (27:27):
Well, that’s what they want. They want people to be apathetic. They want people to give up on it. They want it to just walk away and frustrate us to death so people don’t participate. And then you see the compounded misinformation coming from the government telling us that all of these things are great when they’re not.

Speaker 1 (27:41):
Okay. Boom. Which election denial. You can just go on Twitter. Look at the 20 minutes of the Democrats denying the election results in 2016. It was Russian. Si. It was. Come on man. Come on. We’re dying out

Speaker 4 (27:56):
Here. I was in the state capitol when the electoral college met in Michigan and there were people banging on the railings in the state capitol building protesting and challenging and telling the electoral vote going on in the state Senate chambers not to go forward. I got video of

Speaker 1 (28:12):
It. Now how does the Detroit police hide stuff? First of all, they might not report it. Number two, I got a homicide in October. We won’t report it then when we find out it was a homicide in 2000 the next year we’ll go back and put it in last year’s count. But the official count never changes. You see, you hide a couple bodies. Yeah.

Then you don’t have to count it as a murder if it’s justifiable. I own a liquor store. Guy comes and puts a gun in my face, I drop him. That’s a justifiable homicide. The police won’t report it, but the CDC will report it. Right. Because what does that tell you? We can’t wait for the police. The police aren’t coming. There aren’t enough police. The response times are slow. So we’re all taking the law on our own hands. That’s what’s going on. So national news can fuck themselves. They’re weaklings now. The tigers have made a run. It looks like the playoffs. Yeah. I love the tigers. I can name you. Mark. I can name you the 1984 starting lineup. I can’t

Speaker 6 (29:22):
Go ahead.

Speaker 1 (29:23):
No, we got an hour.

Speaker 6 (29:25):
Well no, Charlie, you can’t say you can do something and then you don’t do

Speaker 1 (29:28):
It. Well, don’t call me. I’ll prepare for the program. You do it. I didn’t say

Speaker 6 (29:31):
I could. I don’t like baseball. Alright,

Speaker 1 (29:34):
Go ahead, ask me Mark. Ask me a

Speaker 3 (29:36):
Position. Who’s the star? Well, we’ll just go around the diamond catcher lads Perry first.

Speaker 1 (29:41):
Daryl Levis

Speaker 3 (29:42):

Speaker 1 (29:42):
Lou Whitaker.

Speaker 3 (29:43):
Well, short

Speaker 1 (29:44):

Speaker 3 (29:45):

Speaker 1 (29:46):
The guy who made the Matt.

Speaker 3 (29:50):
I was going to say Brookins. Tommy Brookins.

Speaker 1 (29:52):
Brookins. Was it Matt Oaks?

Speaker 3 (29:53):
Matt Oaks is a backup catcher. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (29:55):
Well, I think he played third Caught the final out.

Speaker 3 (29:57):
Larry Herndon caught the final out left field. Larry

Speaker 1 (29:59):
Herndon left Leftfield

Speaker 3 (29:59):

Speaker 1 (30:00):
Right field. Kurt Gibson.

Speaker 3 (30:01):
You got Iton

Speaker 1 (30:02):
Right field. The starters are Jack Morris, d Petree,

Speaker 3 (30:07):
Milton Wilcox.

Speaker 1 (30:08):
Mil Wilcox.

Speaker 3 (30:08):
A really Lopez Senior Smoke. Charlie Senior Smoke. Guiller Hernandez.

Speaker 6 (30:11):
So you guys are so

Speaker 3 (30:12):

Speaker 6 (30:13):

Speaker 3 (30:14):
There you go. So

Speaker 1 (30:15):
I mean, I love him. Love him.

Speaker 6 (30:17):
And that only took 30 seconds.

Speaker 1 (30:19):
There we go. But I just can’t get in with the ownership. I can’t get down with Illit. Another oligarch who by the way goes up there when you’re up there and he’s lobbying for special districts. Hundreds of millions of dollars. Almost a billion when you add in the interest. And we don’t get to share in any revenue.

Speaker 4 (30:45):
I didn’t vote for ’em.

Speaker 1 (30:46):
You didn’t vote for that? No. Explain how that came to be.

Speaker 4 (30:50):
So some of it preceded my time in the legislature, but every single one of these giveaway programs, the corporate welfare, the direct stuff like that, I voted against it. They had an analysis of 20 years worth of state lawmakers and who had voted against the most corporate welfare. And I think I was tied for second place. It was like billions plural in corporate welfare I voted

Speaker 6 (31:12):
Against. But when you’re outweighed, when you have people that stand up for something, it’s one or two and you are outweighed. It kind of doesn’t matter because we still lose.

Speaker 1 (31:20):
Wait a bit. Let me go to corporate welfare. Curtis over here. Curtis, one of your complaints, the way you’re running the campaign against Mr. Barrett is up there in the seventh district in Lansing, is that he is not a Homer. He’s not a homegrown guy. He votes against gm expanding their plan. He’s voting against Stellantis getting hundreds of millions in state tax breaks. Your thoughts on his thoughts? That’s what I thought. That’s what I thought. Now let’s go back up to the district. It’s a big deal. The Delta project, the gm, south Korean battery firm. The big plant. Yeah. When you were running against Slack and she was trying to nail you on that, you’re not for the car industry. Well, you get a lot of cheerleading in the papers and stuff and you guys dunno what you’re talking about. What is the state now? We gave hundreds of millions of this project.

Speaker 4 (32:21):
700 million, I

Speaker 1 (32:22):
Think 700 Is it built?

Speaker 4 (32:25):
They got the walls up, but no one knows what’s inside. So no one’s working there. The jobs aren’t there. They’re not cranking out batteries. They’re not building cars. This is a thing that has been delayed and delayed and delayed. The promises keep coming, the money’s going out the door. In total, we’ve paid over a billion dollars in these electric vehicle battery plant subsidies in Michigan already out the door,

Speaker 1 (32:49):
Not even county. Wait, wait, that’s huge, right? I get confused. You add ’em all up and it’s all these, how much money’s out the

Speaker 4 (32:54):
Door? A billion Bridge Magazine had a report. A billion dollars has been spent already. We have created a grand total of 200 jobs for a billion dollars, 5 million per job. We need one of those 5 million per

Speaker 1 (33:05):
Job? No. Okay. So we go to funding for school kids in this budget and they don’t get an increase, which means they lost 5% on inflation. One and a half million school kids, a billion dollars out the door, a billion dollars out the door divided by 1.5 million kids. About 6, 7, 800 bucks

Speaker 4 (33:27):
Per student. I can do with that.

Speaker 1 (33:30):
That’s wonderful. So I’m reading the Korean Times. The Korean Times because GMs in partnership with the Korean battery manufacturer, they report the thing’s been mothballed dead.

Speaker 4 (33:42):
Yeah, they report it’s dead

Speaker 1 (33:44):
And I’m not getting anything here. You

Speaker 4 (33:46):
Know why?

Speaker 1 (33:46):

Speaker 4 (33:47):
Because the Korean media doesn’t have the same consequences for their reporting over there that they do here. So they report that this project’s been put on hold, but General Motors and the beneficiaries back home want to pretend like it’s still full steam ahead.

Speaker 1 (34:01):
It wasn’t too long ago that South Korea was a dictatorship and their press is more free than ours.

Speaker 6 (34:08):
I was going to say, isn’t that pretty much what we are experiencing with our media?

Speaker 4 (34:11):
Yeah, yeah, absolutely. So our media, they’re saying, oh no, it’s full steam ahead. But they’ve delayed the project multiple times in a row. I mean, Ford has already admitted that they are losing a hundred thousand dollars per electric vehicle that they’re making. General Motors has decreased demand and I think the worst of all project with this is the Goshen deal up in Big Rapids that is going to not just be a bad economic investment. It is a substantial national security threat to the United States.

Speaker 1 (34:39):
Did Hertel sign the nondisclosure agreement? He

Speaker 4 (34:41):

Speaker 1 (34:41):
With the Chinese

Speaker 4 (34:42):
And he is in their foreign agent’s Registries Act disclosure.

Speaker 1 (34:47):
Wait, he’s He’s a foreign, he lobbies for a foreign company and it’s

Speaker 4 (34:53):
So he is listed in their Fara filing, their Foreign Agent Registries Act filing with secret conversations they had about getting this project approved through the state legislature and the concerns that lawmakers had while he was the governor, Witmer’s lobbyist. He’s working with registered foreign agents for Goshen to get 175 million pushed through the legislature.

Speaker 1 (35:14):
So would cardboard cut out Curtis hologram Hertel if he was elected to Congress, would he be able to serve on any committee where you needed a clearance intelligence clearance?

Speaker 4 (35:27):
No. Absolutely not.

Speaker 1 (35:28):
You’re not allowed? No, you can’t be. You’re not lying. I don’t know.

Speaker 4 (35:32):
I can’t say You don’t know. I can’t say with certainty what somebody would or wouldn’t do for a clearance. I mean, when they lie to us in the way that they have, I can’t say who would approve what, but what I can tell you is I’ve qualified for a security clearance. I did 22 years in the United States Army. I had to go through security vetting and having entanglements with foreign governments is a huge red flag that would prevent someone from receiving a security clearance. And I remind people that I also signed a nondisclosure agreement in my life. The difference is it was called a security clearance in the United States Army. So there are things I can’t talk about or tell people, but that’s because they came about and arose through my service in the United States Army, not because I was in bed with the Chinese communists about how we’re going to cook up a scheme to send them 175 million of state tax money when we got people in Michigan that can’t afford their groceries and can’t afford their rent and can’t afford the daily living expenses. We’re going to take 175 million of their money that they don’t get to decide whether or not they send a Lansing. It is mandatory that they pay their taxes and we’re going to take that money and give it away to the Chinese Communist. When Barack Obama’s own CIA director says it’ll be used for espionage against us. Barack’s a mess.

Speaker 1 (36:39):
Barack Obama. Let’s get to 2024 here, bro.

Speaker 4 (36:41):
No, I’m just saying he’s a democrat and they said it’ll be used for espionage. Even the Democrats are admitting

Speaker 6 (36:45):
That’s the king, but as voters, even prostitutes get paid. We don’t get anything. We’re like whores. We give away everything or it’s being taken. And I hate that analogy, but I can’t think of anything. But

Speaker 1 (36:58):
You used it. I noticed.

Speaker 6 (36:59):
I know I did because I couldn’t think of anything else that was just I know you too, Charlie, but I’m saying we get nothing back. Everything is taken from us is, and we get nothing back.

Speaker 4 (37:10):
This is why elections matter. People go out and say all these fluffy things, but you got to look at what’s actually happening. Yeah, I voted against

Speaker 1 (37:15):
My, nobody’s saying fluffy things. They’re eating fluffy.

Speaker 4 (37:19):
You got to look at when the chips were down, do you want to be there at the ribbon cutting for this grand opening of this big facility that you get to take credit for because you voted to send them money? Or are you going to be disciplined about it and say, this is not in the best interest of the taxpayers issue.

Speaker 1 (37:33):
Maybe we should go to the media should go take some.

Speaker 4 (37:34):
Well now you get shamed for

Speaker 1 (37:35):
It. Rethink it after writing these talking point columns and go up there and actually do some work. Go sweat. Put on some track shoes. It’s

Speaker 6 (37:45):
Not happening

Speaker 1 (37:46):
And know what you’re talking about. Now it’s time for the debate.

Speaker 4 (37:52):
Oh, okay. I thought we were already in it.

Speaker 1 (37:54):

Speaker 4 (37:54):
The prem.

Speaker 1 (37:54):
We’ll start with you Mr. Barrett.

Speaker 4 (37:56):

Speaker 1 (37:57):
You’re on record. You’ve been on this program before you as a human being. You are rabidly anti-abortion if elected and it came for a vote in Congress, Michigan by a vast majority supports woman’s right to choose. It’s in codified in the constitution. If a national abortion ban came to us, Congressman, would you vote for it? Yes or no?

Speaker 4 (38:26):
No. And here’s why. Can I go more than yes or no on this?

Speaker 1 (38:29):
Well, yes.

Speaker 4 (38:29):
Okay. So yes, I am pro-life and my own life philosophy that life has value and we ought not take a life unless it presents an imminent threat to another life. I’ve seen enough tragedy in my life to just have this feeling in life philosophy that every single life from the youngest among us to the oldest among us all have a value and we’re all endowed by our creator to carry out whatever our God-given potential is. However, Michigan voters codified a constitutional amendment that placed a right to an abortion with virtually no restriction whatsoever into the state constitution. There’s been a change in case law that obviously Roe v Wade overturned, put this back into the control of the states. A member of Congress cannot overturn a state constitutional amendment from Washington dc I will have the same vote here in Michigan as every other of the 10 million residents of Michigan. Those that are eligible to vote anyway on any type of constitutional change that would take place. It stop would be up to the people of Michigan to decide

Speaker 1 (39:33):
That federal law, usurps state law, if it came a national abortion ban in Congress, forget the legalities because people don’t really understand it. If it came to you, would you vote for it? Yes or no?

Speaker 4 (39:51):
No. And here’s why. Federal law does not Trump state

Speaker 1 (39:55):
Law. It does. In fact,

Speaker 4 (39:56):
No, the states formed the federal government not the other way around.

Speaker 1 (39:59):
Yeah, but what is it? Article? I forget what the Well, how about the 10th amendment? Everything, the supremacy clause, brother.

Speaker 4 (40:06):
But thats not carte blanche that you can do

Speaker 1 (40:07):
Whatever want from the federal. Okay. Let’s just say we get to that point. Are you voting for this or no?

Speaker 4 (40:11):
I’ve already said that is not within the jurisdiction of Congress. I would not vote for that because I don’t vote for things

Speaker 1 (40:17):
That are constitutional wouldn’t. Okay.

Speaker 4 (40:18):
Now here’s what I do want to do.

Speaker 1 (40:19):
Well, let me finish. You said no, and if it came and you did vote for it, let’s just say right now you said you wouldn’t vote for it, but it came around and you did vote for it. Would you guarantee the people that you would resign because you were going back on your word on that?

Speaker 4 (40:34):
Well, I would never vote for something I said I wouldn’t vote for first and

Speaker 1 (40:37):

Speaker 4 (40:39):
And I’m not going to go down some, I’m going to break my word and because I’m not going to do that. You

Speaker 1 (40:43):

Speaker 4 (40:43):
The people. And here’s what I do want to do. You

Speaker 1 (40:45):
Guarantee the people.

Speaker 4 (40:46):
Yes. And here’s what I do want to do, and I think this is important as well.

Speaker 1 (40:49):
I’m listening.

Speaker 4 (40:50):
There are a few things that the federal government does have control over, a jurisdiction over as it relates to abortion policy. Number one, protecting the Hyde Amendment. Something that 70% of people agree with that says, we’re not going to take taxpayer money and spend it on abortions.

Speaker 1 (41:04):

Speaker 4 (41:04):
People who are conscientious objectors like I am, don’t want to see our tax money going to pay for other people’s

Speaker 1 (41:09):
Abortion. Okay, next.

Speaker 4 (41:10):
From there, protect the rights of conscience of medical providers, doctors, nurses, others who don’t want to participate in abortion, make sure that their rights are protected so they aren’t coerced into doing

Speaker 1 (41:20):
That. Fair enough. Next,

Speaker 4 (41:22):
Protect minors parental rights so that minors are not being transported across state lines without their parents’ knowledge or consent for the purpose of procuring an abortion that is in the federal jurisdiction. You’re crossing state lines. And then from there, right now in the United States we have, this is shocking. There are 50 abortions for every single infant adoption in the United States right now. I think we ought to advance how we can get to more adoptive life-affirming

Speaker 1 (41:49):
Outcomes. Everybody would agree with that. I

Speaker 4 (41:50):
Think everybody agrees with that. But the biggest barrier, I think, is that people can’t afford to adopt a child today. If you want to be a loving home for a new baby, it’s 20 or 30 grand to do

Speaker 1 (42:02):

Speaker 4 (42:02):
I think she ought to.

Speaker 1 (42:03):
Senator, that’s your time.

Speaker 4 (42:05):

Speaker 1 (42:06):
That’s your time. Let me throw to your opponent cardboard. Curtis, do you support parental notification? Do you support conscious objection by health providers? Do you support abortion only up to viability? And if so, what is viability? Sir, sir? Well, there you go. I think it’s important to tell the public to you and your opponent that the paragon on planet Earth is held up to be France, which has enshrined abortion in its constitution. It should also be noted, however, that in Francis constitution you are entitled to an abortion up to the 14th week and a minor must be accompanied by an adult. We will be right back after this. I got to pay my parking. Okay. It’s another story. Let’s move on now to Stellantis, which is a European based auto company run by Carlos Avaris. Right? Carlos has eaten S car. Go somewhere while he’s letting our cars go somewhere. We thank you.

Speaker 6 (43:37):
I like that.

Speaker 1 (43:39):
That was good. Just here in Detroit. Did you practice that? No. You should have.

Speaker 6 (43:43):
Did it just come to you like that?

Speaker 1 (43:44):
Yes, I know. I got to feel

Speaker 6 (43:46):
Surprise. And it shows,

Speaker 1 (43:52):
Wow, we’re laying off 2,500 people in Warren at the Ram plant, which was the second biggest selling pickup in 2019 and 2021 two times running the truck of the year. We get a great contract, the UAW $30 an hour and all these temps finally get a job and 11 months later, whack you’re gone. We gave ’em nearly a half a billion dollars when they were fiat. And then two months later they become stellantis, nearly a half billion dollars to expand the Mack and Jefferson plant in Detroit where they’re building the Durango, the Jeep. Now the world is going to ship that out of the country, probably Canada, maybe Mexico. Former President Trump had an event the other day and he’s noticed the John Deere tractors behind him. And John Deere’s threatened to move a couple a hundred jobs out of the country. And he said, you do that and I’m slapping a 200% tariff on you. John Deere. Just beware of that. You as a free market specialist, right? That’s where you stand. Do you support tariffs for people offshoring American Jobs?

Speaker 4 (45:07):
I support policy, but

Speaker 1 (45:09):
First of all, clearly yes or no, and then you can,

Speaker 4 (45:12):
Okay, well it depends on the situation. Let’s be honest about the particulars.

Speaker 1 (45:16):
Well just give me yes

Speaker 4 (45:17):
Or no. Well, I want to give you a candid answer. Okay. Well, so it depends on the situation.

Speaker 1 (45:21):
Again, I don’t want to More or less yes or more or less. No.

Speaker 4 (45:23):
Well, here’s where I support tariffs is when you have countries that are manipulating their currency and not living up to the terms of whatever trade agreement they have. Now, I don’t know in specificity what the U-S-M-C-A, how it applies to a domestic manufacturer here. What type of jobs are going to be moving. But here’s the other thing, and this is I think more important than that, Illinois, where John Deere is located right now has been openly hostile to manufacturers, to employers, to their own people. They have some of the highest taxes and greatest regulations in the country. Michigan ought to be competing to get jobs out of Illinois, not Canada. If you’re looking to go to Canada, why the hell aren’t you coming to Michigan? And if it’s because we aren’t doing the things to make our economy better, it’s because we’re spending out all this money in corporate welfare instead of putting it into the things that would naturally draw more investment into our state.

Speaker 1 (46:14):
Like what? That didn’t make any sense.

Speaker 4 (46:15):
So like what? You look at site selector magazine,

Speaker 1 (46:18):
I’m pausing. No, that didn’t. No, no.

Speaker 4 (46:20):
How did that not make any

Speaker 1 (46:21):
Sense? No, you don’t just get to go off. It’s not a fucking camp. This is a debate. Oh,

Speaker 4 (46:24):
It’s a debate. I’m sorry. Yeah. Okay.

Speaker 1 (46:26):
So you’re saying we’re going to compete with Illinois that’s created the problem and now we’re going to compete. It’s global, bro.

Speaker 4 (46:35):
It is global, but it’s also domestic. It is a state that is high tax, high regulatory. So as a congress constable to hostile to job providers, why wouldn’t we be a better place

Speaker 1 (46:43):
For, let me ask cardboard. Curtis, the leader of the party, Kamala Harris is now going out there and saying that tariffs are basically a tax increase. Do you agree with that or do you look at tariffs as a negotiating tool that we get somewhere in the long term by sweating multinationals because this isn’t a domestic automaker anymore. This is based out of Paris and Amsterdam. Curtis, do you think that it’s a tax or that it’s a negotiating tool? And would you support tariffs to keep jobs here, sir?

Speaker 4 (47:30):
So I can be direct with your answer.

Speaker 1 (47:31):
Okay, now you have a follow up.

Speaker 4 (47:33):
I do think that they’re a good negotiating tool in the right hands with the right circumstance. I don’t believe in just applying tariffs to everything under the sun, but I also think that they can be used strategically, specifically against the greatest global adversaries like China, where they will manipulate their currency, change their regulations, steal our intellectual property, send agents here that are negotiating with state lawmakers to get 175 million of our tax money. That’s where tariffs can be best applied.

Speaker 1 (48:00):
Sending us probably spies over the border,

Speaker 4 (48:03):
Sending us fentanyl,

Speaker 1 (48:04):
Sending fentanyl to Mexico is sending it to us.

Speaker 4 (48:07):

Speaker 1 (48:07):
Whoops. God,

Speaker 4 (48:08):

Speaker 1 (48:09):

Speaker 4 (48:09):
Persistent. Yeah, so tariffs have their place, but I’m not going to say with granular detail which ones sitting here. I can’t tell you with specificity which ones are good or bad.

Speaker 1 (48:18):
I didn’t ask that because that would be cutting out at the knees generally, because we’re speaking generally. Question for the senator.

Speaker 6 (48:29):
Yeah, I had one in, I forgot when I was asking you like what?

Speaker 1 (48:31):
Remember we got to ask him both? Like what? Yeah, got to ask him both.

Speaker 6 (48:35):
Okay, go ahead sir.

Speaker 1 (48:37):
No, ask him the question.

Speaker 6 (48:38):
I did ask him the question about to answer,

Speaker 1 (48:40):
Didn’t hear what was it? What are the things we should, I’m trying them out.

Speaker 6 (48:43):
Hold on.

Speaker 1 (48:44):
What was the question? Is that what you’re doing? What was

Speaker 6 (48:45):
The question? I forgot. What did I ask you?

Speaker 4 (48:48):
You asked me, I said we should be investing in things instead of handing out corporate

Speaker 6 (48:52):
Welfare. And I said what said what? Right? What

Speaker 4 (48:54):
Does that investment look like? I said, if you look at when this SOAR fund that has been the responsible fund that has gone out

Speaker 1 (49:00):
The state slush fund for private industry, we have to sign a nondisclosure

Speaker 4 (49:03):
That I voted against and my opponent voted for at the time that was created at the very end of 2021. I went and looked at what are the criteria that companies look for when they’re relocating? Do you know where incentives ranked on the list?

Speaker 1 (49:15):

Speaker 4 (49:15):
The very bottom, what was it higher on that list?

Speaker 1 (49:18):

Speaker 4 (49:19):
Infrastructure was third I think. But talent already existing workforce and then talent development were number one and number

Speaker 1 (49:26):
Two, education.

Speaker 4 (49:26):
So those are directly tied to education from their infrastructure. Cost of utilities. Remember Ford said they left because the cost of utilities was so much cheaper in Kentucky and Tennessee and then they had to pull that back and apologize for saying that right to work status was on there. State tax environment, regulatory environment, quality of life, all of these things were ranked far higher than incentives. And you only need to pay these corporate welfare incentives if you have a deficiency higher up on that list. But lawmakers don’t want to do the hard work of figuring out how we’re going to have cheaper energy, how we’re going to invest in infrastructure, how we’re going to fix education. So our workforce is more prepared for these jobs. They just want to pay out the money, go to the ribbon, cutting and take credit for it and time it’s lazy and time. Okay. Other than that, I have no strong opinions

Speaker 6 (50:10):
About it. Alright, so I’d like to ask Mr. Hertel pretty much the same thing. What does a viable investment in the people and in the state of Michigan? Lookalike.

Speaker 1 (50:22):
I grew up in a middle class home. I believe that keeping your lawn cut, investing in good neighborhood. Can I say something about that? You’re interrupting the senators and I believe everybody should be able to fly to Margaritaville during COD. And I mean one man’s socialism is another man’s out and so forth. Is that

Speaker 6 (50:47):
On a private jet or a commercial jet?

Speaker 1 (50:49):
I think they drove. He’s John cock toast and cock and this guy. Okay, two more questions. Where do you stand with the funding of Ukraine? Boondoggle or necessary? As a former military man?

Speaker 4 (51:10):
Yeah, I’m not opposed to the funding of Ukraine, but I think we got to know where our outcome is. What is the end result that we’re going for? And Joe Biden says it’s regime change in Russia. I don’t endorse that. I don’t think that we need to go for regime change in Russia where I have a very hard line in the sand is anything that will put American troops into another foreign conflict.

Speaker 1 (51:30):
Thank you. Senator Hertel cardboard hologram, hertel. Does that sound like cricket? No. Okay. Israel?

Speaker 4 (51:51):

Speaker 1 (51:51):
Hezbollah, Hamas. Where do you stand on that

Speaker 4 (51:54):
Again? I’m on the side of defeating terrorists. I spent 20 years, 22 years of my life in the army, the entire duration of that war on terror. I stood literally closer than you and I to terrorists in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba for a year of my life. And I don’t want those people here. I don’t want them creating terrorism in other places. They’re evil people and we have to stop them. Again. I’m not going to send American troops to do it, but I’m going to support those that are in the cause, in that fight to make sure that we have a safer world.

Speaker 1 (52:21):
Should they have driver’s licenses,

Speaker 4 (52:23):
Illegal immigrants? Absolutely not.

Speaker 1 (52:25):
Senator Hertel, sir, thank you for that. It’s illuminating. Thank you. And finally, you EV is one thing. Do you believe that the state should be involved in financing these new components? These matter. Babies. The what? It’s a components matter. Baby.

Speaker 4 (52:49):
Can you expand matter baby? Okay, and what is that? What’s a matter baby?

Speaker 1 (52:55):
Nothing. What’s the matter with you? And that’s all we have time for. Thank you. We will see you next week. And remember, vote and vote often. See you next.

Speaker 6 (53:05):
You might.

Speaker 3 (53:07):
I’m coming. Mayor

Speaker 6 (53:10):
On that.


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