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Border expert Todd Bensman exposes how Kamala Harris/Joe Biden funnel 3 million migrants into America every year.

A.I. Summary: The No BS Newshour discusses the current state of immigration in the United States.

All the political talking points and lies being told to the American public about the border.

They discuss the role of Kamala Harris and the controversy over whether she was appointed as the “border czar”, the influx of immigrants from various countries and the impact on the economy and society.

They express concern over the lack of control and regulation at the border, and the perception of ICE in certain communities.

They also discuss the potential closure of the Darien Gap by the new Panamanian president.

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Speaker 1 (00:00):
Lights, camera bullshit.

Speaker 2 (00:06):
Live from downtown Detroit is the no bullshit news hour with my main man, Charlie, Karen Jar Dub.

Speaker 3 (00:36):
Just breaking this double bullshit donor bullshit.

Speaker 1 (00:41):
I can’t fucking take it, right? It’s the election season. Okay? I got a little cable staying at a buddy’s house. The talking points are killing me. They’re lies. They’re fucking lying to us.

Speaker 4 (00:56):
No kidding.

Speaker 1 (00:58):
And this is the mother of all swing states, right? 1% swings this electoral college and you, the smart listeners and viewers are part of that. So look, I don’t need to talk Trump. We’ve we doing Trump for nine fucking years, right? You already know, but you can’t tell me that Kamala Harris has everything to do with the border, right? Borders are whatever. Hey, Todd, Todd Benjamin of these Center for Immigration Studies Senior Fellow or something like that. The author of this or something like that, overrun how Joe Biden unleashed the greatest border crisis in US history, which is a fact. Is this book doing well, Todd?

Speaker 4 (01:47):

Speaker 1 (01:47):
It is good. Maybe you can sell some of those extra copies behind you there. Use Zoom. Okay, well, regardless the border’s out of fucking control, we’ve got minimum, we’ll go through ’em. We get minimum 10 million people we didn’t ask for and you’ve got no explanation for it. What we get is talking points from this. I don’t want to rip the media anymore, but I’m going to

Reporters that work hard. I got nothing but respect for, but you can see just by watching cable, because I’ve never had cable, that they’re getting the talking points and the talking points are lies, and I don’t like being manipulated through soft bodied and actually weak-minded people. If you’ve got to get your talking points, and unlike Todd who’s actually walked with the caravan, been on the trains down there, he’s going to the Dairy and gap in Columbia Panama. We’re going to talk about that. People that actually do the work, don’t tell me. So Kamala Harris in a very undemocratic way, right, is now the nominee for my former party.

Speaker 5 (03:03):
So it appears, I mean, that seems to be where it’s headed. She’s the presumptive nominee ahead of the convention. How’s that

Speaker 1 (03:12):
Remotely possible? You never got a vote, you never got a delegate. Less than 1% of the Democrats even liked this woman four years ago,

Speaker 5 (03:21):
But it all seemed to happen in the flip of a switch, Trump got shot, Biden resigned, and now Harris is the presumptive domination. Holy

Speaker 1 (03:29):
Smokes. Okay, so she’s not the border czar when, okay, euphemistically, she wasn’t, but she was just play that rip Vice. President

Speaker 6 (03:38):
Harris was not a border

Speaker 7 (03:39):
Czar. Meantime vice President and Border Czar Kamala Harris facing some backlash.

Speaker 8 (03:44):
What he said about Harris and immigration was not true. She was never appointed border

Speaker 9 (03:48):
Czar, and this will be her first visit to the US Mexico border Regent, since she was appointed as the border czar by President Biden.

Speaker 10 (03:56):
People are going to have to counter the misinformation. You already hear folks talking about the border czar. She wasn’t the border czar.

Speaker 11 (04:00):
President Biden tapped Kamala Harris, vice President Kamala Harris to be the border czar.

Speaker 12 (04:05):
Now, she wasn’t the border czar, that’s what Republicans labeled her.

Speaker 13 (04:09):
They were very critical of Kamala Harris, especially in her role as Border

Speaker 14 (04:14):
Czar. Now, what she’s up against is folks lying about her border record, calling her a border czar.

Speaker 15 (04:19):
Kamala Harris, who was appointed as the border

Speaker 16 (04:21):
Czar. The Biden team didn’t declare her the border czar. They wanted her to work on kind of the root causes of immigration.

Speaker 17 (04:26):
There has been so much criticism against Kamala Harris. She was the border

Speaker 18 (04:29):
Czar calling her sort of the border czar.

Speaker 1 (04:33):
Hey Todd?

Speaker 19 (04:35):

Speaker 1 (04:36):
Was she the border czar, bro? Nobody knows the border like the border was Kamala Harris, the border czar?

Speaker 19 (04:43):
Yes, she was definitively the border czar. She was. Look, I just put up a piece, published a piece yesterday in the Federalist. You can go to my website todd and find that I’ve got the links to the press conference where Joe Biden appointed her to be in charge of the administration’s central border strategy, their signature border strategy, the main thrust of everything that they were going to do at the border, which they call addressing root causes, meaning they thought that they could control mass migration by nation building the countries of Honduras, El Salvador and Guatemala, which were the big sending countries. All three of those were huge sending countries. So we’re going to build those economies, rebuild their government institutions and there thereby people who live there won’t want to immigrate with an e leave and go to the United States. They name that as their top strategy and they put her in charge.

She is on the record embracing her leadership role over that central signature strategy and held press conferences every time she persuaded an American company to go down there and set up shop manufacturing or whatever and would claim credit that this was because of her personal leadership on the issue. I don’t know why they’re trying to quibble about the title. Is there an official border czar title in the government nomenclature in the whatever the records of It doesn’t matter whether she was the root causes as chief, the border czar, whatever, she was in charge. She had a leadership role, she was appointed that she embraced it. She had press conferences. So the anchor line is not cut just because there’s no borders are title officially in the government record.

Speaker 1 (07:01):
Okay, so I’m just going to see if you can do a back of the envelope. See, I actually write on the back of envelopes. So I, in the last three and a half years, how much money have we sent to the triangle, right? Honduras, Guatemala, El Salva. How many billions?

Speaker 19 (07:18):
I think about 4 billion.

Speaker 1 (07:20):
So we’ve sent 4 billion to make it a better place to live. By the way, this is a failed leftist European model. We’re the colonialists. We’re having all kinds of immigration. Let’s just pump tons of dough into Algiers and whatever, and that’ll stop everything. It failed. So we’ve sent 4 billion. How many people from these three countries in the last three and a half years have entered the United States? Todd,

Speaker 19 (07:50):
At least 2 million by my count. The root causes doctrine did absolutely nothing at all. You can’t even benchmark it. Nobody ever asked, well, how are you going to show success? No reporters ever went in there and challenged the whole doctrine and where it came from and nobody ever investigated. You can’t find anything out there When they were announcing this, when they dubbed her the borders are when she embraced the leadership role or when they started spending billions of dollars, nobody ever did the reporting work, the basic stuff like, hey, this is your central doctrine. Let’s go in there and really provide some accountability reporting about this program. Had anybody ever looked at the root causes doctrine, they would’ve found that this is borrowed or plagiarized from the Europeans who were using European liberals who were using it in the early eighties, came with this thing all the way through to now and 40 years worth of a track record where you have academics throughout the European continent doing studies on how well it worked.

And every single one of them giving it a fail market never worked in Europe. The American reporters would’ve been able to find that. I have it all in my book Linked and Cited and everything else, and in my Federalist article from yesterday as well. I mean it’s not hard to find Google it. All you got to do is Google it and you would find that it is a complete failure. What they’re using this for is that it’s kind of like showing some glitter over here. Hey everybody, look over here at this solution, this central solution, tensile look, shiny, glittery, cat catnip stuff while they’re opening the border over there saying, we’ve got the solution going over here. Don’t worry about what we’re doing on the border in the meantime, we’re just going to open it. And man, they fell for that. The whole country fell for that, and now they’re trying to back backpedal out of this and try to cut her from responsibility for this whole ridiculous strategy that caused us to open the border.

Speaker 5 (10:19):
Todd, can I ask just thumbnail why the reregulation is just is an issue for America for Americans, just without there being any type of process, just the whole raggedy issue surrounding the border and the openness of the border. Why that is an issue for us?

Speaker 19 (10:42):
Right. That’s a great question actually. All you have to do is look at Boston, which is almost in bankruptcy. The city of Boston bankruptcy. They’re looking at over a trillion dollars in costs for all of the illegal immigration that came up the Center for Immigration Studies. My outfit just put out a huge new report about the fiscal burden alone of the numbers of needy hands out people that showed up from the border in Boston to take advantage of all the stuff they’re offering for free. It’s the same problem with New York. Go look at Mayor Adams public comments and how they are just rendering their garments and gnashing their teeth. How are we going to, they’re shipping, they’re doing their own busing, trying to get rid of ’em. San Diego, Denver, Chicago, Washington dc America’s cities are just staggering under this unfunded burden of millions and millions of people that have come in over the border. And that’s just one small problem with this, and it’s why the polls for the campaign are showing that this is an apex issue. It’s right up there with inflation. Often it polls higher than inflation as a problem area that Americans are likely to punish the Democrats for. That’s why the Harris campaign is just furiously going on the aggressive defense, offense, defense to try to muddle everything right now. And I think they’re going to do a pretty good job with that.

Speaker 1 (12:31):
Actually. I think it’s effective. I’m not buying it. Okay, so we’re of course not. Okay, but

Speaker 19 (12:35):
You and I have been talking about this shit for like three years straight, Charlie

Speaker 1 (12:38):
For fucking 25 years, dude. I mean, how long we’ve been covering the border, how many times we been in the desert? You can’t lie to us. That’s why this is the no bullshit news hour. And if you want some facts, you’re going to get it. You are. I’m not bullshitting. It is so frustrating. I’m like, let just call the world’s expert. I mean, Congress asks you, okay, and I know we’re going to get to it. You’ve got some news and some traveling coming up. But Biden for all these, I can’t do anything, right? Congress won’t give me the power I need. And then he puts in some executive orders, they don’t do anything, but they’re pitching you ladies and gentlemen that border encounters are down in June from what, last year or from May? They’re down 55%. Todd, is it from the previous month or from the previous year?

Speaker 19 (13:39):
Actually, the numbers of illegal crossings are down to where they were when Biden first took office. It’s the lowest numbers since he took office. That’s real. Those numbers are

Speaker 1 (13:53):
Low. That’s real. Lemme stop you there. Lemme stop you there? Yes. It’s about 90,000, which before Biden for June is a record. Nobody used to cross the desert in the middle of summer. So we’re still at a record, but here’s what, and just jump in anytime you want to. Here’s my back of the envelope. Here’s what’s really going on. There was about 90,000 encounters with illegals on the southern border in June, 90,000 times that by 12. That’s 1 million. 80,000 people, right? A million people. Okay, but you guys remember the Border patrol app? I signed up for the border patrol app with my dog’s face and 80,000 people a month are allowed to get on the app. Half of them walk over and half of them fly directly over. So that’s another 80. They’re hidden. They’re not in the numbers. That brings you up to 170,000 people a month. Here’s the next one. 35,000 people a month are God aways. These are the super dangerous people. The ones that don’t want to get caught. Oh, got aways. Border patrol is so busy, they got an idea. I can see ’em over there running, right? Right. But we don’t have just let ’em go, right? Another 65,000 people a month overstay their visa. They’re these two types of visas. There’s a student visa and the tourist visa and there’s no oversight of that. Very little. The tourist visa, you get to stay for 180 days, right?

But in the first half of this fiscal year, the first six months, 25, this is the United States government telling you this. 25% of all US consulates and embassies issued visas more than they have in history. 25%. Why are we all of a sudden with an immigration problem giving more tourist visas than ever and people don’t go home. The student visas, if you get here on a student visa, you’re admitted for an indefinite time, right? Graduate students in math and science get to stay an extra two years to work without having to pay taxes. What the Trump administration attempted to close this loophole, Biden withdrew it and nobody’s really checking if these people have violated their terms. That’s why you got Hamas holes, spraying statues and buildings and threatening Jews on the subways. Get ’em the fuck out of here. Nobody asked for this. We want it in order. Now, I’m almost done, Todd. In the first half of this fiscal year, the first six months, 155,000 green cards were issued a record. And now Todd, you’ve discovered a new, what’s the refugee loophole? What’s the difference between a refugee and an asylum seeker and what’s this new loophole,

Speaker 19 (17:05):
Right? So you’ve mentioned two or three of the strategies that the administration put in place for the purpose of reducing the visuals of border congestion, which are just terrible for the polls. And they say this out loud and in writing, we are doing these programs. CBP won the app. We’re going to walk them in over the bridges. We’re going to let them fly directly from foreign airports into US airports instead of crossing. They say it in writing that we’re doing this to reduce border congestion. So the numbers that you’re seeing that they’re boasting about are the actual ones that are not advantage of those and are just crossing in anyway and we’re letting them in anyway. All of ’em are just being let in anyway. So there’s the land border one and there’s the flights one, and then there’s these other things like the tourist visas that they’re increasing and everything else to reduce the pressure. Now there’s this new one, a third rail or a fourth rail, which is that they are refugee ing, if that’s not even a word, but they’re refugee

Refugee ing, tens of thousands of regular labor migrants down in Latin America for the first time in 30 years. We don’t give refugee cards out to these people. We never have because refugee status is kind of like asylum. But in a third country where they’re picture a big Syrian war refugee camp outside of Damascus or something, war torn, those are the people that we normally give refugees cards to. And when you get one of those, it usually takes years of vetting and everything, two years, three years before we finally approve them. Then we will fly you in at taxpayer backed expense for travel loans and then we’ll give you full resettlement aid, a place to live at government expense, pots and pans, full access to all of our welfare benefits, a green card, much coveted within a year. And then that puts you on a five year path to us citizenship, all expenses paid.

Now they’re giving those out to tens of thousands of Latin Americans, Nicaraguans, Venezuelans, Haitians, Cubans, Guatemalans, Salvadorans, all the people that are crossing the border illegally as a way to reduce the border congestion just like the other programs, except nobody’s ever reported on this until now. I just have put up a big report finally just saying, Hey, they’re doing this weird thing. It deviates from all the norms. They’re handing these things out. Remember I told you it takes two and a half, three and a half years to get approved for one of these. They’re doing it in nine days down there. What the fuck you want study? I’ve

Speaker 5 (20:20):
Never seen the government do anything in nine days. Ask for this. I don’t know. But that’s what I was going to ask. So is this open and unregulated, and I’m not going to call it a process, I’m going to call it lack thereof. Is that supposed to communicate a more empathetic or compassionate country? I mean, what is the reason behind it if it is economically a burden to the system, what’s the reason behind

Speaker 19 (20:45):
It? Another good question. In my opinion, it’s a political calculus. They understood that the border crossing, the visual optics of mass border crossings is going to lose the election in 2024. And so they were preparing and they knew that as Trump campaigned, that people were going to surge in before he might win to get in while the getting’s good before the door slam shut behind them. And so for a year they’ve been planning and prepping these different programs to block that from happening just before the election. So these are just political, in my opinion. They say flat out in their public documents, we’re doing this to reduce border congestion. They’re of course not saying we want to reduce border congestion because it makes us look bad and we’ll lose elections. They don’t say that. Of course, that’s Todd Binman to say that and Charlie over there to say that I believe that to be completely true. That’s what they’re doing. And that after November five, if Harris wins, all of a sudden these programs will relax or they’ll expand them even more. Trump will close ’em all down immediately. First day he’ll close them all down. Let

Speaker 1 (22:08):
Me ask you this, the refugee status, it’s war torn country, Syria, et cetera, et cetera. Forget Haiti for a moment. The Caribbean, it’s not land American. They speak French. How many wars currently are being waged in Latin America, Todd?

Speaker 19 (22:25):
Right, exactly. That’s

Speaker 1 (22:26):
The point. None. That’s the point. What refugee Karen was basically asking, so why are they doing this? We’ll leave that to the voter. We’ll leave that to the voter. But when they talk about the great replacement theory, white people aren’t talking that anymore. If I might, my friends, black people are talking that the majority minority in this country, African-Americans who built this country and have a vast experience in this country, you hear them, you hear guys like red like wait a minute, jobs, benefits,

Speaker 5 (23:03):
Schools. But I also hear people feeding that as a way of being to assume a side on it one way or the other without real awareness or insight as to the information like we’re having today. So I still think even some of those opinions may be a little more subjective than necessary because they don’t have all the information. That’s

Speaker 1 (23:23):
What we’re trying to do, right?

Speaker 5 (23:24):

Speaker 1 (23:26):
Let’s get this right though, because Todd did all the work. We got people from Europe, they never say Europe, but they’re coming in from Russia, they’re coming in from Ukraine, they’re coming in Jesus, they’re coming in from France even they’re coming in from China, they’re coming in from Africa, they’re coming in from Latin America, they’re coming in from Canada, they’re coming from everywhere, man, middle East,

Speaker 19 (23:48):
170 countries represented in this thing. 45% of everybody hitting that border is not from Mexico or Latin America.

Speaker 1 (23:57):
And that’s interesting. 55, the majority of people coming over are Mexicans, correct? I mean the plurality, the plurality, the largest group. Who’s the largest group

Speaker 19 (24:10):
Right now? Probably the largest group might be Venezuelans

Speaker 1 (24:14):
With their corrupt elections.

Speaker 19 (24:17):
But remember, Venezuelans have been safely settled, resettled in 15 countries for 10 years now 7 million of ’em left. They didn’t start coming to our border until we opened it up and started letting everybody in. Then they unleashed. But during the Trump years, you didn’t see any Venezuelans trying to come across because they get thrown back into Mexico or just completely deported all the way back. But you didn’t see

Speaker 1 (24:49):
That I met a guy here in Detroit, right? He’s a Venezuelan who was working in a steakhouse in Bogota, Columbia for 10 years, right? 10 years. And now he’s here on a tourist visa and he’s not going back. So y’all make your decisions. So Todd, but the fact of the matter is the illegal crossings are going down. So what’s happening in Mexico and then more famously what’s going on in Panama?

Speaker 19 (25:20):
So you said it earlier that the administration is making this claim. I just heard it again at Harris’s speech yesterday that where only the Republicans to give us this piece of legislation that they keep holding back this bipartisan piece of legislation and it was bipartisan. We would be able to control the border. But I don’t want to offend your listeners here, but that’s bullshit. I know they’ve never heard that word on your show.

Speaker 5 (25:56):
We got a dump button tied,

Speaker 19 (25:58):
But here’s why it’s bullshit is because the administration saw an election coming with terrible polling numbers on this issue. They knew that they were going to literally lose on this issue. So Biden himself went down and met with President Lopez, Obrador, Mexico, and they cut a deal. The deal was we need you to shut things down on your end. The Mexicans put out 35,000 troops and started rounding up tens of thousands of immigrants on their northern border with us, especially across from Texas, and forcing ’em with trenches onto buses and airplanes and flying them 1500 miles south to their southern provinces where they’ve created a Gaza strip blocked in by militarized roadblocks. And they are constantly scouring the northern border regions and catching everybody they can and putting them on these buses south. That is not done by the piece of legislation that they say they need. That is the singular strategy that they did to reduce the number of border crossings in just the last four months by like 50%, 80% even. Did we

Speaker 1 (27:27):
Pay the Mexican government to

Speaker 19 (27:30):
Do this? Yeah. Well, that’s a big mystery. 60 minutes went down to interview Lopez obor about this, and he said in the 60 minutes interview that I want 20 billion as a down payment for this down payment if you don’t give it to me. He was asked, well, that sounds like blackmail. And he’s like, well, it’d be a shame if anything bad happened to that border of yours up there, that nice border up there if I don’t get my, I say what I mean. And he just flat out said when he was asked, well, what happens if you don’t get the 20 bill? And he said, looks like the migrants will keep coming. So we think that he got paid off. We haven’t seen the actual line item in the State Department budget. I’m sure that they’re sandbagging on that. Some money had to have gone down there, security assistance or humanitarian this or that or whatever it was. No dark money there.

Speaker 1 (28:31):
And how do you know these migrant camps are getting bulldozed? Because you’ve actually been there, Todd?

Speaker 19 (28:37):
Yes. And so has Mexican. Yeah, I’ve spent a lot of time on the Mexican side with the Mexican troops as they’re doing their patrols. What are you guys doing over here? Oh, our orders are to round them all up and ship ’em back down to tapa. And I’ve run into the lots of immigrants who are on the run hiding from the dragnet in, where was I last? In Chihuahua state, south of Juarez. I drove for days down there and there they were running through the desert and hiding and in broad daylight, whereas before they would just catch the bus to Juarez and crossover. So I mean I had documented this personally, but so is Mexican media, and I was the first one, not to toot horn on this, but I reported on this the first time, I did an elaborate report on what the Mexicans were doing on January 17th, about three weeks into it.

And for three months after that, no other American reporter or writer wrote about it. It was just me writing about this huge Mexican operation set up by a diplomatic trip by the president of the United States because nobody’s down there covering this. Then 60 Minutes came in and did that. And then after that, the New York Times and Washington Post, and now everybody’s belatedly covering this, but that Mexican operation was not provided for in any piece of legislation. It was something a president could do without legislation. Donald Trump did it for four years. He had those Mexicans down there doing military operations to this same effect. So it’s just full. Was he paying them too that they need? What’s that? Was

Speaker 1 (30:36):
He paying them too? No, he is threatening to close the border.

Speaker 19 (30:38):
No, he threatened. No, he did it a different way. He said, if you don’t do this, we’re going to impose 28% tariffs on all Mexican products exported into the us. And that was enough right there the day that Biden lifted that threat and they came

Speaker 1 (31:01):
And it’s history. I mean whatever you think of it, these are the facts. These are just facts. You can’t rewrite it. And by the way, Todd, the bipartisan legislation you speak of, it was not bipartisan. That was Langford from Oklahoma, right? A couple of Democrats and backed by Mitch McConnell, but nobody else.

Speaker 19 (31:29):
The guys in the Senate, some of the Senate Republicans came up with this gift to the Democrats for their campaign that they’re using now. But I just want to point out that the way that the Democrats, I just saw a big campaign ad from the Harris campaign about this, and they’re talking about it at the rallies, but the way that they’re framing this is that this was the penultimate legislation that would’ve allowed them to shut down the border and get this under control, but that Donald Trump had it killed because he wants this to be a festering soar for the campaign. But when you just read the text of the thing, it allows 1.8 million border crossings in legislation every year,

Speaker 1 (32:20):
Plus families don’t get counted

Speaker 19 (32:23):
5,000 a day. Illegal border crossings EM Boston legislation when current legislation allows for zero.

Speaker 1 (32:33):
Why would any let say this, lemme say this, go for that. Because what Biden unilaterally did is basically what that bill was. Yes, that’s exactly of course the what we have now and when we add up the 90,000 encounters, 80,000 border patrol apps, 35,000 God aways, 65,000 visa jumpers, 25,000 green cards, 10,000 refugees, all this a month, all that equals up to 3.5 million people a year. This is not a solution. This is not serious. I don’t like politics and I don’t want to be lied to. We as the people will decide who comes in. You asked the great question and we didn’t get the answer. Who decided this? Because obviously by any poll, any conversation you have, the American people do not want this. Mark, do we have that clip of Senator Harris talking to the head of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and comparing them to the KKK

Speaker 20 (33:41):
Klan was what we would call today a domestic terrorist group.

Speaker 21 (33:45):
Why would we call them domestic terrorist group?

Speaker 20 (33:49):
Because they tried to use fear and force to change political environment.

Speaker 21 (33:54):
And what was the motivation for the use of fear and force?

Speaker 20 (33:57):
It was based on race and ethnicity.

Speaker 21 (33:58):
Right. Are you aware of the perception of many about how the power and the discretion at ICE is being used to enforce the laws and do you see any parallels?

Speaker 20 (34:13):
I do not see any parallels between,

Speaker 21 (34:15):
I’m talking about perception

Speaker 20 (34:16):
Officers and agents. I’m

Speaker 21 (34:17):
Talking about perception.

Speaker 20 (34:19):
I do not see a parallel between what is constitutionally mandated as it relates to enforcing the law. Are you

Speaker 21 (34:25):
Aware that there’s a perception?

Speaker 20 (34:26):
I see. No.

Speaker 21 (34:27):
Are you aware that there’s a

Speaker 20 (34:28):
Perception puts ice in the same category as the KKK? Is that what you’re asking me?

Speaker 21 (34:33):
No, I’m very specific about what I’m asking you. Are you aware of a perception that the way that the discretion, I see no appar, I’m not

Speaker 20 (34:42):
Finished. I see none. I’m not

Speaker 21 (34:43):
Finished, I’m not finished. Are you aware that there’s a perception that ICE is administering its power in a way that is causing fear and intimidation, particularly among immigrants and specifically among immigrants coming from Mexico and Central America? Are you aware of the perception?

Speaker 20 (35:07):
I do not see a parallel between the power and the authority that ICE has to do its job and the agents and officers who do it professionally and excellently with lots of compassion.

Speaker 21 (35:17):
Sir, how can you be the head of an agency and be unaware of how your agency is perceived by certain communities?

Speaker 20 (35:24):
There is a lot of perceptions in the media and in the public that are incorrect about the agency,

Speaker 21 (35:29):
But the perception exists. Would you agree whether or not it’s correct and wouldn’t you agree then that if that perception exists, there might need to be some work done to correct the perception?

Speaker 20 (35:42):
I do want to advocate for the workforce, the vital public safety mission that they have to protect the homeland, and I think more people need to know how valuable they are to the society. So I agree with you on that.

Speaker 21 (35:58):
I understand your point that you want to defend the honor of the good men and women who work in the agency, and I appreciate that point and I know the vast majority of the men and women who work in the agency do a noble and good job. I’m not talking about that, talking about the perception.

Speaker 22 (36:16):
Okay, what is that?

Speaker 19 (36:20):
Okay, I can, Charlie, I know exactly what that is. At that time you had a movement called Occupy Ice, which involved just tens of thousands of far left liberal progressive activists who were purveying the Donald Trump era immigration policies as a modern or latter day holocaust, like Nazi Holocaust detention centers were concentration camps for latter day Jews who happened to be brown and immigrants coming illegally across the ice. Agents were painted as Nazi jack booted, brown shirted thugs who were running around rounding up the Jews, the latter day Jews, and that Donald Trump was Adolf Hitler. And so what she was doing there was pandering to that far left liberal narrative, abolish ice was part of the movement. Antifa, all those guys were out there with placards saying, abolish ice jack boot. Get rid of detention centers, get rid of detention in deportation, free them all. Stop the enforcement.

That’s intimidating people. Well, of course you could say that all law breakers are intimidated by the site of a police officer, especially one who comes knocking down your door. I mean, law breakers should be intimidated by law enforcement, personnel, whatever kind of law breaker they are, whether it’s being here illegally or not. But they transformed that into this really extreme narrative about the Jewish Holocaust from the 1930s and forties, and it was widespread that this was a raced race generated kind of policy and that it was all immoral like Jim Crow laws. So that’s where she was going with that, and when she was running for president in the primaries 2019 before she dropped out, she was on board with all of those policies. I am going to abolish ice. She didn’t say it like that, but she said, I’m going to start from scratch. She kind of dog whistled their policies. She was as extreme as you could ever possibly get. She took her,

Speaker 1 (39:00):
What we got is this, what we got is this. That’s what we got when every Democrat raised their hand on that debate state, right? That’s right. We’re going to end. We’re going to end. We’re

Speaker 19 (39:11):
Going to decriminalize illegal border crossings. That’s extreme. Nobody in the Democratic party had ever proposed something like that. That’s crazy to talk.

Speaker 1 (39:24):
Everybody can think what they want, but you just need to know facts. So don’t gaslight me and don’t bullshit me.

Speaker 23 (39:31):
I’m Grace Caros and I’m third generation of American Coney Island. People say Detroit’s a comeback city. I say where you’ve been. We’ve been here for over a hundred years. My family’s been here on the same corner serving our famous proprietary American Coney Island hot dog. So like always, we’re keeping things fresh, updated and new. We’d love to have you come downtown and visit us, but if you can’t, you can always go to american coney, order a Coney kit, get it delivered fresh right to your door.

Speaker 1 (40:00):
Well, when it rains, the power goes out, and when the power goes out, the internet goes out. When the internet goes out, I call my friend Matt and Bernie at XG Service Group, look at Bernie here on his hands and knees, giving it everything he’s got. Look at that man crack so busy, he forgot to wear a belt. There’s Matt right there getting the board together. That’s 7 3 4 2 4 5 4100. If you need Matt and Bernie to come take care of your voiceover internet, your security cameras off campus, access control, wifi, and cameras for homes and business, they’ll design it for you. You got restaurants, they do drive through systems, railroad cameras for public safety, total wireless camera systems for your home and business. Yeah, that’s right. Call XG Services at (734) 245-4100. This message of uplift is brought to you by business and Personal Wealth advisor, Luke Acki, who reminds you that what does a profit a man to gain the whole world but never enter the kingdom of God? But while you’re waiting, Acki wants you to remember that overreaction is not as sound financial strategy. So call Luke Nowacki at (248) 663-4748 for sound financial advice. Now you’re going, dude, you’re going to Columbia, what are you doing? What the fuck are you doing? You might not come back alive with what you got planned. Hey, just don’t fuck around, man. You’re going into one of the heaviest places in the world. You know that your wife knows that It’s heavy.

Speaker 19 (41:29):
It’s heavy, no

Speaker 1 (41:31):
Doubt. Tell us what you’re doing.

Speaker 19 (41:32):
Yeah, I’m going to the Daring Gap because there’s something big has just happened there.

Speaker 1 (41:38):
I need to do this before you go on with this. If anybody looks at a map, mark, is it still there? Our high tech map right there. Right there. That is where Columbia and Panama intersect, and there’s a big jungle there and it’s called the Darion Gap. Go ahead, Todd.

Speaker 19 (42:04):
Right. It’s one of the busiest most trammeled immigrant pathways to the border that there is. I mean all those hundred people from all those 170 other countries, that’s how they get here. They land in South America and then they make their way through Columbia over to Panama, and then they have to walk and hike for whatever, a week or 10 days to get through there. It’s dangerous to go through there. Lots of immigrants die in normal years. Before the Biden administration, there might’ve been 10,000 a year. That went through 8,000, 7,000 a year on inauguration day for the Biden administration. The numbers ramped up so that by the end of 2021, because they were letting everybody in at the border and the word spread all throughout the world, 130,000 in that first year of the border crisis, 2022, it was 250,000. Last year it was 550,000 went through there so far this year it’s already three, 400,000.

It looks like we’re on track to hit about 800,000 coming through there. That is a huge spigot, a river running into our border, and I mean right now they’re crashing on Mexico, but they’re still coming and Mexico’s trying to hold ’em back, but lots of them are still pouring through into California. The Mexicans are letting them through into California, coming the foreign special interest aliens and extra Continentals. The reason I’m going is because Panama elected a new president who has vowed to close the gap. That’s the first time I’ve ever heard a Panamanian because they’re sick of it. They’re like, we not, what’s

Speaker 1 (43:56):
His name?

Speaker 19 (43:57):
Yeah, Molino Jose. Raul Molina Moo just got elected and he says, I’m closing the gap, and he started July 1st. They’re already stringing barbed wire and they’re doing, nobody really knows because nobody’s going down there to report on this. This is monumental. It’s a big story in our election and in our border story because so many people are coming through there to hit our border. So I’m going to go down there and be the guy that tries to figure out is it working? What’s happening? So I’m going to go to Columbia first to the jump off points. There’s four or five towns in there where all the smuggling is happening. I’ll spend maybe a week in there, and then I’ll go over to the Panama side and enter through the jungle to the receiving end. Now, the other thing that happened is that the Americans, probably because of the election, said, Hey, we’ll help you out with this maybe at least until November 5th, and we’ll put some air assets on the ground and we’ll help you deport people by air. Whereas the Americans for three years have created a super highway out of the dairy and gap. They’ve done everything they could to enhance and speed up and widen the what was a country lane before into a major superhighway, eight lane superhighway. Now they’re saying, Hey, we’ll help you with some air deportations. And so I want to see really what that means on the ground.

Speaker 1 (45:38):
Dude, go in there. That’s like the heavy of heavy because you’re dealing with cartels. They smuggle dope, they smuggle weapons, they smuggle people. So be very careful, man. You know what I mean? It’s

Speaker 19 (45:51):
Nuts. Yeah, I’ll do my thing. I mean, this isn’t my first rodeo on that. In fact, I’ve been to the Darien before, so I’ve done some reporting. I have some. I haven’t been to the Columbia side though.

Speaker 1 (46:03):

Speaker 19 (46:03):
Got to. That’ll be interesting.

Speaker 1 (46:04):
You got good fixers.

Speaker 19 (46:07):
Yep. I got a good fixer. And

Speaker 1 (46:12):
We have a lot of other stuff to do for the program, but you know what? We’re not going to do it because that was just beautiful. If people want to follow your adventure, I’m assuming you’re going to be doing it live on social. Take us out here, when are you going and how can people follow what you’re doing?

Speaker 19 (46:32):
Right. I leave next week. I’ll be probably in Columbia for a week or so, maybe less. Depends on how long it takes. You can my employer center for immigration study, they’ll put up a page where they’ll put my video and tweet the things, I don’t know, Twittering, tweeting, whatever. What’s the verb for X-ing? I guess I’m, I’ll be X-ing, but they’ll put that out and I’ll have a drone. I’ll be putting my drone up and I’ll be writing, I have multiple outlets. The Daily Mail will publish a piece or two and I’ll put up what I’m finding as I go. I’ll probably write one big good piece from the Columbia side before I head over to Panama, and then I’ll just keep going. When you going? I’ll write until there’s nothing left to write.

Speaker 1 (47:28):
When are you going?

Speaker 19 (47:30):
August 5th.

Speaker 1 (47:31):
Oh, that’s like five days. Okay, well let me

Speaker 19 (47:35):
Go. Yeah, I mean, my stuff, I’m already, if you look down, I’m already loading up all, there’s all my crap down there trying to,

Speaker 1 (47:44):
All those extra books you didn’t sell.

Speaker 19 (47:46):

Speaker 1 (47:47):
You can go hand those out. He wiped their ass with ’em. Yeah. Well anyway, man, ura, okay. Be safe. Good journey. Thank

Speaker 19 (47:56):

Speaker 1 (47:57):
Do something real. We appreciate your time, man. I admire you. I admire the work that you do. Tell Charlie, and I know if you read the man’s work, I know how hyper politicized everything is. It is. The man is a humanist. He is the grandson of immigrants as we all are. Nobody’s hating. What we want is order and on our time in an affordable way, I don’t see an issue here. And if you want to be here, do it the right way and love the place. And if you’re going to spray paint shit, go fuck yourself. Go fuck yourself. I’m sorry.

Speaker 5 (48:35):
Safe travels, Todd.

Speaker 19 (48:37):
Thanks a lot. And all of my peeps came over lawfully. They were approved for legal entry. I’m just going to say that.

Speaker 1 (48:46):
Well, my people were here before any European or anybody touched this continent. And of course, I am the offspring of slaves, slave holders. Slaves that were freed and got themselves slaves, war veterans, Indian warriors, miners loggers, bunker Hill, civil War, world War ii, Vietnam. There hadn’t been an immigrant in my family in 200 years, even though we’re immigrants, right? I had in my family, Indian agents killing members of my family. I swear to you. Look ’em up. He was the leader of the native troops in the French and Indian War here. It’s considered the grandfather of Wisconsin. Just, it’s

Speaker 19 (49:50):
A great, and you’ve done your genealogy.

Speaker 1 (49:52):
Well, it’s more than that. Genealogy is one thing. Knowing stories, that’s what keeps it. People ask me, I said, the way you begin to do your genealogy, the first thing you do is you talk to the old women of your family because they hold the stories. And even if the stories are incorrect, there’s a colonel of truth in it. Like my very great grandfather, William Marshall,

To this day, the oldest active serviceman in United States military history at 83 years old and 10 months he died, still active. And I was told he was the commandant of Fort Mackinac, but he wasn’t the commandant of Fort Mackinac. He came over in 1822, they put him on a horse. He fought in the Black Hawk War trailer tears, the seminal war, the Mexican American war. And then when he was old, they’d sent him to Mackinaw Island where he became the ordinance sergeant. Okay. Civil War breaks out, he’s in his sixties at this point. Everybody including his son, William Marshall, Jr. Who was there when they captured Jefferson Davis in Georgia wearing women’s clothes, trying to escape. Yes, indeed.

Speaker 5 (51:07):
Oh boy.

Speaker 1 (51:09):
But the Sarge is left on Mackinac Island. He’s the only soldier left, right? He’s the only guys that everybody else shipped off. So you can imagine the locals, his grandpa’s walking around and his blues with his yellow piping and there goes the commandant.

Speaker 5 (51:26):
So by default, he

Speaker 1 (51:27):
Got an obituary in the New York Times front page. I have it. So yeah, those are real things. And I’m trying, if anybody, any military historian, I don’t want to pay, I don’t want to lobby Congress, but my grandfather was the oldest person to serve this country and it would be nice for him to be acknowledged.

Speaker 5 (51:47):

Speaker 1 (51:48):
Gary. And with that, I love you all, amigo. We’ll see you next week.

Speaker 19 (51:58):
Take care, Charlie.

Speaker 1 (51:59):
No, you take care Holmes.

Speaker 4 (52:01):


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