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Chris Cuomo on “The Game”

Politics isn’t about you. The shots are called by the big donors.

But what would we know? We here in Michigan are sitting in the dark. Again. Nearly 1,000,000 of us.

The dopes in Lansing. The bums in DC. They pocket the money and close their eyes.

Electricity is more reliable in Baghdad. (Right Elissa?)

The only thing more broken than politics and the press around here are the power companies.


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Speaker 1 (00:03):
One minute there, Mr. Lad, your cigarette, Mr. La. You’re light. Mr. Lauff, your beer, Mr. Lauff. You roll Mr. LeDuff, five to air. 4, 3, 2, 1.

Speaker 2 (00:56):
Oh shit. The power went out again.

Speaker 3 (01:04):
Live downtime. Join it’s nos.

Speaker 4 (01:15):

Speaker 5 (01:22):
What the fuck?

Speaker 3 (01:25):
I knew you were going to say that.

Speaker 5 (01:26):
These power companies are bullshit. This is third world. This is special interest. This is the unseen hand, right? It rains and the trees shake, and we’ve got 850,000 human beings in Michigan without power Now, okay? A front blows through. It’s been a warm front hanging over the Midwest, everywhere from Iowa to Minnesota, to Dakotas, to Sarnia, to Toronto. Hello. Okay, so as things happen when wind comes cold, front moves in, pushes the warm front, boom, big wind, B 850,000. Consumers power and Detroit Edison are a fucking joke. Lemme give you a little something here. All but six elected representatives in Lansing, the governor, the biggest recipient of this dark money, right? Everybody’s taking money from DTE. The rates keep going up and the power goes out, and the attorney general pretends like she’s fighting for us. It’s all a game.

Speaker 4 (02:46):
Dark money.

Speaker 5 (02:48):
Get it. Stay in the dark. That’s in the dark money. Okay? So DTE is a publicly traded stock Who’s invested in it? The Michigan employees retirement system. So as we spend ourself into oblivion, we keep raising rates. They don’t cut the trees and the power goes out. Okay? The media’s lame on this. I’m not saying reporters are, because I know reporters that keep track of this shit. Their bosses are lame. You’re making excuses. This is up to the minute the front came in over a 12 hour period across the Midwest and into Canada. So let me give you remember this. Here’s another lie. They’re telling you people. How many customers are out of power? Customers are not people. Customers can be a business. Customers can be an apartment complex. Customers can be a household. So 10% of DTE and consumers, customers are businesses. So we’ll take them out of this.

Their reporting 300, put the slides up, mark. They’re reporting 350,000 customers in Michigan right now without power. So 90% of those are where human beings live. The average amount of people living in a household is two and a half people. You do the math and while lots, 850,000 people whose rates keep going up, one of the worst grids in the country, meanwhile, put the slide back up. Mark. Mark, mark makes decisions when he wants to, but never when I ask him to. Which slide do you want? Ontario? It’s up. No, not Ontario. Put the slide that was just up there. Blow it up a little bit if you can. You can’t do that, can you? I can. Mark can do anything. I know. Just takes me a while. Yeah, less unless he wants to. It’s all right. Mark’s on a work slowdown. It’s Labor Day.

It’s like it is. Fuck what’s happening in this company of ours. There you go. All right, there we go. So what we want to see is the numbers mark. Okay? So currently in Minnesota doing that math, about 60,000 people are without power. They had 60 mile an hour winds in Illinois, about 50,000 people don’t have power in Wisconsin currently, Wisconsin. It was worse yesterday, but right, because they get their power back on About 2000 people don’t have power. Ohio, about 12,000 people don’t have power in our neighborhood. Our great friends in Windsor, Ontario. It’s like you could swim there from here, right? So whatever came through here, went through there, and all of Ontario, 5,000 people are without power. So how is it 850,000 people who can’t afford the electricity? The rates keep going up, the auto factories are closing. How’s this possible? Okay, you guys, oh, the wind shear gusts of 60 miles an hour at Metro Airport. Okay? Remember 850,000 people, hurricane Debbie. That was the last big hurricane to hit the United States. It was late last month, like July, July 26th or so. Hurricane Debbie hits Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas all put together 750,000 people without power. And I lived in Carolina, right? My electricity wasn’t underground, it was on the pole. Come on, man.

Speaker 6 (06:36):
So what’s the deal, Charlie?

Speaker 5 (06:38):
It’s corruption.

Speaker 6 (06:40):
I mean, seriously,

Speaker 5 (06:41):
It’s the unseen hand

Speaker 6 (06:42):
Because think about this too. Once upon a time, I don’t remember power outages like this growing up, I, I remember we had storms. We had, I don’t remember flooding. I don’t remember any of these things. Well,

Speaker 5 (06:58):
It was like a publicly controlled utility then Now it’s traded on Wall Street, right? It’s dividends. Got to make the dividends. Got to make dividends, okay? So here is putting the electric cart before the horsepower, okay? Because today Uncle Sam announced that Michigan, specifically Ann Arbor and Detroit will receive 26 million for electrical vehicle charging ports.

Speaker 6 (07:31):

Speaker 5 (07:31):
So let’s just say those are already in, what the fuck is what?

Speaker 6 (07:38):
And this is the other thing too, Charlie, when consumers are without power, there’s never any credit given. I remember the last time there was a pretty big uproar because it was an extended period and they said, we’ll give you $25, but they had some long process that you had to go through to get, and it wasn’t even worth it. I mean, so why isn’t that in place either? Well,

Speaker 5 (08:00):
It is just dumb 20, and that’s what makes a promise. We’re all getting 25. Geez, thanks. It’s insulting.

Speaker 6 (08:06):
Yeah, it is. Of

Speaker 5 (08:07):
Course it is. Just give me zero. It costs you more than $25 in effort and time to

Speaker 6 (08:12):
Get it. It does. It does.

Speaker 5 (08:14):
Even if you’re making $15 an hour, it’s going to take you more than two hours to get that. And by the way, you can’t get online to do it because the power’s out. That’s

Speaker 6 (08:23):

Speaker 5 (08:25):
Okay, so, Hey Mark, are your kids not in school today? Oakland County? Yep. Yep. Berkeley schools are out today. No power at school. So no power for the schools in Oakland County and no schools in Detroit for the first two days of the year because they don’t have any air conditioners. But

Speaker 6 (08:46):

Speaker 5 (08:47):
I tell you why. During C, uncle Sam sent 6 billion to Michigan for schools alone. Just schools not the 12 billion for all the bullshit. We never did 6 billion for the schools. That would be like HVAC systems. HVAC is heating, ventilation, and cooling. Is that what that is? Yeah. Thank you very much. Where’s the air conditioners for the kids? Over half of that money went to administrative benefits and paychecks. So you can see

Speaker 6 (09:28):

Speaker 5 (09:28):
Crazy. The unseen hand of the lobbying.

Speaker 6 (09:31):
That’s crazy, Charlie. That’s

Speaker 5 (09:32):

Speaker 6 (09:35):
What are kids? How are they going to be penalized? They already got set back when they were out for Covid. They don’t go to school in the winter because it’s too cold. The schools are closed because it’s too hot. What is the right temperature to go to school?

Speaker 5 (09:51):
Well, as a former Detroit City council president once said, fuck the kids.

Speaker 6 (09:58):
Who was that?

Speaker 5 (09:59):
Fuck the kids

Speaker 6 (10:00):
Who said that?

Speaker 5 (10:02):
Charles Peele.

Speaker 6 (10:03):
I just wanted you to remind someone. Nobody.

Speaker 5 (10:04):
Why did I ask? And that’s fact did a lot of time for that school kids we’re not looking out for ’em, okay? For instance, I’m watching the Democratic National Committee, and then again, the Republicans got Jack shit here, right? This is a party that working people took over because they don’t, Democrats don’t appeal to them anymore. They’re not looking out for ’em, for nafta, big pharma, all of that. So they take over the Republican party, the MAGA and the working people are the rhinos, the Republican’s name only. You know what I mean? You’re not the Republicans, the Ted Cruzs and the Mitch McConnells and the Bushes. That’s the Republican, the country club. You just took it over. But the Democrats, they become, it is a uni party. So I’m looking, look at our representatives there like Whitmer, Nestle, Slotkin, Mallory McMurdy, the state senator with the big prop, the book, the 2025. This is Trump’s document. It’s not Trump’s document, right? Trump didn’t say cut Medicare, they’re not trying to ban abortion. This is scare politics. It’s gaslighting, right? But they stylized their childhood

MRO and Whitmer and Slotkin. They try to pretend they’re us. They’re people of privilege and they pretend they’re not because it works, right? Look at the latest budget, ladies and gentlemen on Labor Day. Listen to me. The latest budget for the failing schools of Michigan in the bottom 10 now, right? The party of the schools. I’m going to round off here just to give you guys quick numbers. When Whitmer took, the state budget was about 60 billion, right? It was actually less. This last one they passed is 80 billion is actually a little bit more. That’s a 25% increase. Okay? The school kids got nothing, so I’m going to round up. Every public school gets 10 grand, follows you to your school, right? 10 grand. It was 10 grand last year, and it’s 10 grand this year, but inflation was at least 5%. Michigan claims it was 5%. That means the kids took a 5% cut in order to make up some of that difference. The state and its wisdom said to the school districts, forget about making your payment to the teacher’s pension fund. We got that. So now we just booked a debt. So teachers, they just remember Detroit went bankrupt and they fucked the people and their pensions, so that’s what you got coming. So the kids got less. There’s about one and a half million public school kids, okay? Got that so far?

Speaker 6 (12:54):
I think. So

Speaker 5 (12:55):
Let’s look at some of this money in this big budget that we can’t fulfill. 1 billion goes to the Chinese battery maker that nobody wants $1 billion, where Whitmer, Slotkin, McMurray signed non-disclosure agreements with the company controlled by the Chinese Communist Party. We gave them $1 billion and we’re not allowed to know anything. 1 billion divided by one and a half million kids is about 700 bucks, 5% inflation on 10,000 for the kid. It’s about 500 bucks. We could have funded the kids, but we decided to fund the Chinese on some fucking boom. They won’t tell us about You see the game?

Speaker 6 (13:46):
Yeah, I do see it, Charlie. I just wonder, do people see it or do they just choose to ignore it? Are they just tired of being misled and misinformed and not cared about? I mean, where is the outrage or where is the demand for more?

Speaker 5 (14:06):
I just want some equity, inclusion, diversity and truth. Good luck an opportunity, and I’m not getting it. I’m smelling bullshit while you’re screwing us and you’re playing a game.

Speaker 6 (14:21):
I mean, and my kids aren’t in school, but I still look at it and I’m thinking like, what happened? Why is it this way? We hear the lottery every five seconds. Talk about how much money goes into the schools, and it’s like, why do they not have adequate no ventilation air conditioning?

Speaker 5 (14:40):
This program is not about why we’re not asking. This is a problem with the media, right? Why don’t you ask the tough questions? No, no, no. Why don’t you learn the answer and then go ask the secondary question.

Speaker 6 (14:54):
Well, I’m not even talking about in terms of the media, Charlie, I’m talking about just residents in general. Nobody seems to, well,

Speaker 5 (15:00):
Again, everybody’s a fucking cry, baby, do your fucking work. You’re killing me. It’s pretty simple. The lottery does go to schools, but when they injected the lottery into the school system, they stopped funding the schools out of the budget. It was a shell game. If you don’t know that by now, get with it. Let me tell you what these dopes, the big four dopes, first of all, there’s also covid that nobody wants to talk about. Nessa won’t investigate Covid. Whitmer put sick old people in with healthy old people, and mc murderer voted not to separate ’em, voted against that bill. That bill passed. Bipartisan mc murderer went against it and Whitmer vetoed it. You still got to answer for that.

Speaker 6 (15:53):
They should

Speaker 5 (15:55):
Mc murderer’s on the ethics committee, right? Where is, remember the bill? We talked about the Turks and Caicos bill, where you’re not allowed to take gifts from powerful business concerns like Whitmer her airplane and Nestle her trip with her trip and pretend she paid for it and won’t show us the receipts. Where is that? That went through mc Murder’s Committee won’t touch it. We got no representation. We got Dantes,

Speaker 6 (16:25):

Speaker 5 (16:25):
Accountability name, callers, horse, shit. We’re dying on the vine out here. Mike Duggan, he’s corrupt as shit, but he’s an autocrat. The billionaire I’m talking to the other day, Hey, he’s pretty good for a Democrat. You mean? He’s the same as a Republican. You’re getting what you want and we’re not getting anything right? You know what we do get? Do you remember? And we had Dave Bing on. Dave Bing, former honorable guy trying to crash land, broke in Detroit during the bankruptcy, and we gave nearly a half a billion dollars to what was then Fiat Chrysler to fix the plant over there on the east side is going to create 10,000 jobs and it’s all going to be awesome. Remember that three shifts, 10,000 people we’re going to make that money back in 17 years. Okay? Well, happy Labor Day, because talking to my people in the UAW and now Stellantis, because two months after we gave him the money, Fiat Merges with Stellantis eo, it’s not even ours anymore. They’re closing the Dodge Ram plant on eight Mile Road in Warren. They’re closing that fucker. That’s 2,500 UAW jobs, 2,500 UAW jobs, and those pink slips come after Labor Day. You see what’s happening? Yeah, nobody wants to do any math.

Speaker 7 (17:53):
Math is hard.

Speaker 5 (17:55):
People go with their gut. I was talking to my mom about common sense, right? Common sense is good. People trust your gut. You have a household. You’re making this much money. You’re spending this much money. This is how much you want to save. You’ll call Luke Nowacky at Pinnacle Wealth. He can walk you through it. That’s good common sense. But at some point, they’re playing upon your common sense and you’ve got to know more. You’ve got to know what the schematic is where first Solanis or the Chinese get in the dough, or the fact that none of these dopes can stop. We’re going to get, what? 6,000 cubic yards of radioactive dirt, and I forget how many thousands of gallons of radioactive water from New York’s landfill that goes all the way back to the Manhattan Project in World War ii. We’re getting it in our deep injection wells here in Wayne County, right? Remember when East Palestine blew up and all those fos genes, and they’re going to put that in here. They can do nothing for us. You’re going to put radioactive waste in the Great Lakes basin. You don’t want to frack,

But you’ll break the ground open to put radioactive waste.

Speaker 6 (19:12):
Gee, Charlie, this is scary.

Speaker 5 (19:14):
This is important.

Speaker 6 (19:16):
I know, but it’s scary though. It’s scary to think that the people that are in charge of making decisions that impact your quality of life don’t care about you or your quality of life.

Speaker 5 (19:27):
Yeah. I’m just looking at all the stuff that happened this week, your quality of life, and they’re now engaged and not letting you know it’s warfare on independent and honest media. You saw Mark Zucker Zuckerberg, I’m sure you talked about this on the with Drew. Oh, by the way, we are part of the Red Shovel Network. It’s the Drew Lane Show and the Soul of Detroit with m Elrick.

Speaker 6 (20:01):
Do we have to go back to the lower level?

Speaker 7 (20:03):

Speaker 5 (20:04):
No. Okay. Just giving a shout out to our guys. Please describe for people that don’t know the letter Zuckerberg wrote and what you make of them. Mark.

Speaker 7 (20:12):
Yeah. He wrote a letter to Jim Jordan basically saying, Hey, Jim

Speaker 5 (20:16):
Jordan is

Speaker 7 (20:16):
The representative from Ohio

Speaker 5 (20:18):
That runs the judicial committee or the oversight.

Speaker 7 (20:20):
Yeah, one of those. Yeah. Is this a quiz? I feel like I’m going to fail. No, but anyway, so he writes this letter saying, yeah, you know what? The Biden administration, the White House as well, Jim

Speaker 5 (20:30):
Jordan’s committee has been investigating the White House and the Intel community, pressuring social media to suppress thoughts and ideas they don’t like about Covid. About Russiagate, all that.

Speaker 7 (20:46):
So writes a letter basically saying, I cannot believe we acquiesced to these demands and we shouldn’t have, particularly regarding Covid misinformation. And there was another one too, that

Speaker 5 (20:58):
The Hunter laptop.

Speaker 7 (20:59):
Yeah, the Hunter Biden laptop and pushing those down into the algorithm. Now it’s nice that he took responsibility for it. Is it shitty that the White House and the administration asked for that? Sure, but I understand why they would. It’s like I get more mad at the media organization for doing what they were asked to do when you shouldn’t. You’re a private company. You don’t have to do that.

Speaker 5 (21:21):
No. Or

Speaker 6 (21:22):
Do they?

Speaker 5 (21:23):

Speaker 7 (21:24):
Well, there is something about playing the game. I suppose that’s,

Speaker 6 (21:26):
That’s what we’re talking about.

Speaker 7 (21:27):
Come on, meta. They’re pretty big. I don’t think, I mean, they’re international. I don’t think this government can do that much to see

Speaker 5 (21:34):
On the meta level. Thank you. But

Speaker 6 (21:38):
So is that

Speaker 5 (21:38):
What happened? A lot of the stuff that they suppressed was the truth. Sure. For instance,

Speaker 7 (21:43):
Or at least legitimate questions,

Speaker 5 (21:45):
Legitimate in science. When I was working at Deadline Detroit, one of the liberal dopes over there, this was like September, 2021 after the vaccines were out and you couldn’t get any data as to how they were working. And I went to the University medical center and look at the hospitals are overwhelmed with people that didn’t get the vaccine right. 60% of the people in the hospitals have covid that didn’t get vaccines. And I’m like, well, how many people who did get the vaccines are in the hospital? And it was 40%. And I wrote it and I was told by numb nuts over there, this is dangerous. I go, what? It’s dangerous to report data. It’s dangerous to let you know what an August Health Center is reporting on this so people can make real decisions. So you want to sense of that.

Speaker 6 (22:42):
It’s dangerous to report the truth. It’s dangerous to report the truth.

Speaker 5 (22:47):
Period. So here’s what happened to us during that period when we were in the lower level, we were doing these shows, man at, we were doing Facebook at first, and then it happened. It was the show when one of the main engineers for the field hospital that was at former Cobo, former TCF, now Huntington Place. He was just talking about what a boondoggling, a waste of money and how they were hoarding equipment and PPE and all of this stuff that show before we got off the air, I had 40,000 views and that thing would go up to 50, 60 really catching on. Then all of a sudden after that show, every time it would be 1500, maybe 4,000. These are like all time lows. The first time we ever even came on the air, we never did that. I’m like, oh, wow. So when I had my time out, we were testing algorithms and stuff. So here’s what happens. I accurately reported on Covid and the coverup from the health department in this state and the governor’s reaction to it accurately reporting data because we just said covid and we offered a viewpoint that was countervailing to what they were pushing. We got community noted, we got squelch, didn’t meet standards. It was the truth.

Speaker 6 (24:07):

Speaker 5 (24:07):
It. Or back in 2020 and then 2021. No, 150,000 ballots were trucked into a COBOL hall at five, four in the morning. Right? I was there, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That one got taken down for election. Misinformation. Misinformation, yeah. I was the only fucking reporter there. I was the only nonpartisan monitoring it. I was the one actually handling.

Speaker 6 (24:34):
But that’s the game, Charlie.

Speaker 5 (24:36):
No, no, please, please. That’s Chris Cuomo who’s going to be on later. He can say the game because he’s at that high level and he dines with them, not us. We

Speaker 6 (24:48):
Are good enough to

Speaker 5 (24:49):
Say the game life is not a game here.

Speaker 6 (24:51):
No, it’s not Charlie. But we are pawns in the game. Well,

Speaker 5 (24:54):
It’s thievery. So when are we going to stand up? Zuckerberg just admitted it.

Speaker 7 (24:59):
And what’s interesting about that too is look, if I am mad about it, I don’t have to use Facebook. I don’t like Facebook. I’m not really on it. So I can use Twitter. I can use another social media if I want to do that. I only have one government, right? And my say you what you choose, there just isn’t a choice as there is with what social media you want to use or what restaurant you want to eat at. There’s one government and when it fails you, you’re screwed.

Speaker 6 (25:27):
But if they’re in bed with them, then isn’t that kind of a,

Speaker 7 (25:31):
They’re better making money’s what

Speaker 6 (25:33):
I’m sometimes. So there’s an interaction that continues to penalize us and our alleged free speech.

Speaker 5 (25:40):
It’s demanding. And Joe’s on the beach. He was just on the beach on the west coast and now he’s on the beach in the East coast. I

Speaker 7 (25:46):
Mean, do you blame him? He’s a lame duck Ukraine.

Speaker 5 (25:50):
Where else did he water? Ukraine is in Russia.

Speaker 7 (25:53):
Someone else is prominent. A

Speaker 5 (25:54):
Few months, Israelis are bombing in Lebanon. He’s

Speaker 6 (25:56):
Still president. Oh my

Speaker 7 (25:57):
God. In a few months. It’s someone else’s problem. It’s a

Speaker 5 (25:59):
Cup ball. Now, in the meantime, before we bring you a word from our sponsor and have Chris Cuomo on, because he’s looking to catch a plane here, secretary, secretary of State, Jocelyn Benson, who can’t clean up the rolls, right? The voter rolls is pushing to keep RFK Jr. On the ballot, which is the law, keeping him on the ballot in the, what is it? The Natural

Speaker 7 (26:28):
Natural law.

Speaker 5 (26:29):
Natural Law party. Right? Because they nominated, I mean, you can’t disenfranchise a natural law party. So she’s suing to keep ’em on. At the same time she tossed Cornell West off because he didn’t fill out his affidavit of identification. Some bullshit that’s not necessary in a federal election. So seven times she’s been called out by the courts for not following election law, and now she’s trying to right, use it. Just follow the law. And then she’s got a snitch. She and Nestle have a snitch line. If you hear people giving disinformation about the elections, right? Let us know. Well, what are you going to do about it?

Speaker 6 (27:12):
Who’s answering the phone? Who’s monitoring the law? Whatcha

Speaker 5 (27:15):
Going to do about it? Here’s one. This one’s the truth. Illegal aliens can vote if they decide to claim that they’re a resident. If they decide to commit fraud, there’s no way to check on ’em. It’s simply an oath. No, ID required no proof of citizenship required. No social security required. You just go. You fill it out and on the back you say, I swear what I said is true. They’re not allowed to vote by federal law, but there’s no mechanism to stop. I’m not saying they’re going to, but I’m just sick of dope tds,

Speaker 6 (27:49):
Dope tds

Speaker 5 (27:50):
Trying to tell me what’s what I’m just saying. And the longer this goes on, the more people don’t believe in it, the more people don’t believe in it, the more we’re at each other’s necks and the more that we’re at each other’s necks, I can’t sleep.

You have a nice meal. Have a nice meal before you go to bed. Listen, it’s football season shaping up to be good, shaping up to be good. Now’s the time to get yourself a coy kit from American Coney Island. They got a dozen dogs made, especially and only for American, Coney Island, quartered Chili made especially, and only for American, Coney Island, sweet onions, steamer buns, and a nice hat for the kids. You just go to american coney That’ll arrive on your door in two days. You can expedite it if you want it overnight. Two days you’ve got Detroit in your living room, at your football games, at your parties, at your bar mitzvahs, at your kinane. Thank you. It’s been a while since I said that one. Right at your bachelor party, now’s the time, right? Everything’s nice and slow. No, man, get a little.

Speaker 6 (29:08):
Or maybe you just want for dinner. Little pizza doesn’t have to be a special event. Well, if

Speaker 5 (29:11):
You want one for dinner, you just jump on in the car and you come on down. Wait, don’t know me. I’m in the middle of a bed. You come on down to the heart and soul of downtown Detroit at Lafayette and Michigan Avenue. It’s the big red, white and blue store that looks like the shape of a pie. Now, go ahead.

Speaker 6 (29:29):
Okay. I was saying american co com. We’re spoiled these days where we have our groceries and our food delivered. So if you’re in that spoiled set and you just want it for dinner, you can still order it and have it delivered.

Speaker 5 (29:42):
That’s on you bad. I doing DoorDash. I

Speaker 6 (29:44):
Didn’t say you should. I’m just saying it’s an option. Charlie,

Speaker 5 (29:48):
Come on down. Bless it. Come on down and look at the riverfront and all of our empty skyscrapers that we’re paying for. Come on,

Speaker 6 (29:55):
Find a parking space. Take a look.

Speaker 5 (29:57):
Yeah, don’t forget. Yeah. The only agency that really works in this city is the parking police.

Speaker 6 (30:04):
It is crazy,

Speaker 5 (30:05):
Charlie. Be aware of that.

Speaker 6 (30:06):
It’s almost like they don’t want people to come down here,

Speaker 5 (30:10):
Go down to my Fred Mohamed’s lot. It’s right across from the courthouse. I’m not, it’s

Speaker 6 (30:17):
Very reason I talk to Grace about a valet service. I think that would just actually class up the joint.

Speaker 5 (30:22):
We offered to do it. Okay, she pays some cheesecake, a valet. Maybe if you just dress like cheesecake, that’ll work. I don’t know. I don’t know. But we also did mention to you things are getting serious no matter how they want to manipulate statistical data in terms of jobs, and I was going back and forth with Luke nack. I want ’em to explain to me, because we’re looking at Trump, Biden Harris, the economics, what’s going on? And there’s a number, it’s real wages. Real wages, meaning we’re how much do you make minus inflation? And you need to compare that to a year. So that year is 2012, 13, 14, 15, and all the way, way to 2021. So real wages have gone down 2% under Biden Harris. That means that’s measured by hourly. Okay? So yes, hourly pay has gone up, but the thing is hours worked has not, those have gone down part-time jobs, right?

We’ve gone from 35 hours a week to 33 hours a week, okay? There’s something else called real disposable income. What that is is your paycheck minus the taxes, okay? That’s the one you measure, not your hourly, average. Disposable income has gone down 8%, right? Inflation has gone up 20. Well, real. So you feel it’s a 10% difference at the grocery store. That’s what everybody’s bitching about, and everybody’s playing with numbers. So if you’re not sure if the politicians are lying to you or the media’s lying to you, or the data’s lying to you, go to somebody that’s going to work for you and tell you the truth. Luke Nakia, pinnacle Wealth 2 4 8 6 6 3 4 7 4 8. I don’t know when the stock market’s going up and bond prices are going up and the price of gold is going up, something’s not right. That means the markets don’t know. I wouldn’t go it alone. I wouldn’t look, he’s not going to take your savings. You know what I mean? Call him and ask.

Speaker 6 (32:44):
And Charlie, what we’ve been saying since we started this show is don’t feel like you have to make a certain amount of money to be able to have a conversation about the money that you have and that you do make. If

Speaker 5 (32:55):
You have any savings or any investment or you’re thinking about doing

Speaker 6 (32:58):
It well, if you want some,

Speaker 5 (32:59):
Right? Ask him if it’s a percentage. How does he earn money? Look, he makes house calls. I’m just telling you.

Speaker 6 (33:07):
But I mean, people always think that, oh, I don’t make that much money. That’s not a conversation that I’m entitled to have, but it is. If having zero is a starting point, you have to have a starting point and a goal.

Speaker 5 (33:17):
Luke Acki, 2 4 8, 6 6 3 4 7 4 8. Finally, Archangel Senior Management, this is working. Good, good. There are people interested. There are just talking to Joe Leblanc, the CEO of Archangel, and he wants to let you know if you’re an entrepreneur and you’re looking for a safe and socially responsible real estate investment, if you have a home and you’re looking to do something with it, right? Consider contacting Archangel Senior Management. Senior living’s one of the fastest growing markets in America after healthcare. They offer small communal living for senior citizens and homes, right inside neighborhoods, wholesome neighborhoods where people live. So it’s integrated

Speaker 6 (34:09):
And that’s where they want to be,

Speaker 5 (34:10):
Right? You’re not left to rot and go numb. So for the investor, this is the antithesis of the corporate nursing homes. Archangels forms partnerships with nursing school and Majestic Residences, which is a home-based assisted living franchise system. So it’s all in one. The partnership provides authentic caregivers with the tools and training necessary to manage the homes that Archangel Investors can feel secure in investing in. The care is genuine. The owners are local, and Archangel has Overwatch if you’re interested and a trailblazing opportunity because it’s all changing. Contact Archangel at 9 8 9 6 1 4 0 4 1 6. Now let’s just play a little interlude. Let me go get some. Well, I got to go to the bathroom and then we’ll be right back with Chris Cuomo.

Speaker 8 (35:07):
Press, press, press, press. Cool.

Speaker 5 (35:22):
So the Democratic National Convention was last week, and I know it was last week, but to me, and I think to Twitter, and that is the world’s newspaper. You wake up, everybody’s like, what’s going on? You look at Twitter, it aggregates for you that the moment that was unrehearsed was when Chris Cuomo was on the floor of the convention and he does a live shot, and he comes up with this Mark. We have that cliff.

Speaker 9 (35:54):
A big theme here at the DNC is that they’re going to go after corporate gouging and they’re going to go after corporations, whether it’s in taxes, largess, loopholes, the RNC, we heard the same thing. They’re going after the elites, the two sets of rules. Let me reveal a reality to you that has to be spoken to here. Okay? These are the soldiers, these are the men and the women that go back to their constituencies in their communities and they fight. They take time from their jobs. They take times from their families, Republicans and Democrats alike. That’s what they do. They need to charge these people up. They need to be able to get them on board. But there’s another reality that is literally looking down on them. Greg, look at the ring of sweets. This is not unique to Democrats. There is a game of money.

When people talk about uniparty, we are strangled by the money reality in our politics. Those sweets start at 500 grand. You think there’s like a teacher group up in there. You think it’s like the Cub Scouts of Columbia County, South Carolina that’s up in those boxes. Some of ’em are lobbies and good things. The media boxes, you think they’re free? Why do you think I’m on the floor? News Nation is not a broke company. Next door is a massive organization. We are corporate media. We don’t have one of those boxes. That’s the game you pay to play. Those boxes are filled with the same people that they say they’re going to regulate.

Speaker 5 (37:21):
So what does now is Chris in some airport, it’s the top of his head. Chris, move your camera down, bro. There you go. What’s going on, dude? Where are you at, Kennedy?

Speaker 9 (37:33):
Yeah, I’m at Kennedy. I’m flying down to Florida to do some work down there. And I’m sorry, I thought if I was holding the camera this low, I was going to be hitting you with my junk, but I had the angle wrong. So

Speaker 5 (37:48):
That’s what the gossip pages say. It’s junk, bro. It’s junk.

Speaker 9 (37:53):
But I didn’t say anything that you don’t know, Charlie, and that you and I haven’t talked about for years. And it’s one of the reasons that I love much is that you bring the sophistication of Big J journalism, but you always apply it to how it affects the most people in the most obvious ways. And money has just gotten so absurd. The year 2000, we spent $200 million on the presidential election. That’s a ton. They’re now estimating 10 billion in this election. You tell me that those people are getting nothing for the money. You tell me that you see right on the menu for the RNC that if you pay 5 million, you get a meeting with the elected leadership. I mean, look, we all know that’s how it is. People just need to know how obvious it is, how intractable it is. So if somebody tells you they’re going to do something to that group, they’re just FOS.

Speaker 5 (38:44):
Now, how did that soliloquy come about? You’re sitting there. Look, I’ve been to these conventions. I always look for the absurdity. I know the upper bull you’re talking about. Is it something that just built up over the days or are you alive and you’re like, Hey, wait a minute, whatever your cameraman’s name is, Ken, take a shot up there. Were you thinking about that? So

Speaker 9 (39:04):
No, here’s what happened. Here’s what happened. So I’m walking around where we had a shot up high in case they wouldn’t let me stay on the floor. And as I was walking past the suites, they all had these curtains and they pull the curtains when people come in, and you can edit this later, but I was walking by one and I’m looking in and there’s some people in their meeting and they see me and they walk over and they close the curtain. And I was like, you got to be fucking kidding me. You think you’re going to close the fucking curtain? You just asked to take a picture with me five minutes ago. I saw the same people walking up there, and I just realized that for all that was being talked about with price gouging and deep state, and it’s all nonsense. The money is what fuels the madness.

The beauty for me, as you know, working with me at News Nation, I say what I want, I do what I want. And that would’ve been a little bit of a harder sell anywhere else in terms of, well, what are you saying? What are you trying to say? I said what I wanted to say, and I did not expect it to resonate the way it did. I thought it was a pretty obvious point, but then people started messing with me about how I was exaggerating the point. So I did it again when I got back with the list of the top 10 donors and the corporations. I mean, the money is crazy. And the biggest lie within the money, it’s all legal because the Citizens United is, oh no, we’re small dollar donations. Look, anybody who has to think for a living, what’s more impressive? A hundred people who give you a dollar or one guy who gives you a hundred dollars, okay? Don’t you think this is lost on the fact the totals are closed?

Speaker 6 (40:45):
But Chris, do you think this is lost on just the average American, that they really think that the dollars and that the people are concerned about them, and when in actuality it is the one thing that you called it, it’s a game. And we as citizens are losing.

Speaker 9 (41:03):
We don’t talk about it enough. People are smart. As you both know your show. One of the reasons I love watching you guys is your real independent media and the power of narrative. And if you don’t talk about it, Trump is a great salesman in this way. He says everything three times. You pose it as a suggestion, then you make it as a likely question, then you make it a conclusion. Maybe I should run for this. A lot of people say, I should run. I mean, obviously I have to run. That’s the way you reinforce message. We don’t do that with money. We don’t do that with a lot of the dynamics. And that’s why I call it the game. So often. It’s not that I don’t respect our electoral process, I just don’t respect the way that they’re treating it, and we have to do it more.

And it’s something that I can do at News Nation that I think is really important, especially when you’re catering to an audience that’s largely independence. Not that I’m against people choosing parties. I get that you have to. I just think it sucks that you have to, when the two parties don’t care about anything but a battle to the bottom. And if you needed proof of that, look at Trump and Biden. There’s a reason seven out of 10 Americans wanted neither. The only people who can be happy with that product are people who don’t give a shit about their product. As long as it’s capable of saying that the other one is worse, and we got to change it, and that’s how you change

Speaker 5 (42:20):
It. I haven’t said that. Like you said, you’re glad you can be at News Nation. You can say that you might not be able to do that at the other networks, but the reach at this point is still larger at CNN. So do you miss that perch at all or are you in a good

Speaker 9 (42:37):
Place? Yeah, every day, every day, every minute. I’m not in a good place. I’m trying. I’m, I’m working on myself, Charlie, and I, for you guys who are watching this, Charlie and I are friends. He’s been a big brother to me. I don’t have a professional relationship with him. I have a personal relationship with him. I’m a big fucking fan. And I mean, for me, it’s a struggle, man. If I had done that piece at CNN, it would’ve been dominating the dialogue for two, three days and people would’ve had to respond to it and they would’ve had to weigh in and they would’ve had to. And I miss that and I hate why it was taken from me, but you deal with life on life’s terms, and I’m fortunate to be at News Nation. I could have been nowhere. Is it a much smaller footprint? Yeah. Does that suck? Yeah, it does to me. But I am where I am and I I’m lucky to be anywhere at all.

Speaker 5 (43:25):
Karen, you want to get him to a good place before he gets on the plane? No.

Speaker 6 (43:29):
I’ve shared some information with Chris and he knows that he is good at what he does and who he is, and he is making the best of it. And I know that he’s making a difference and just continue to do that, Chris. It’s going to, you will win. That’s what Charlie and I talk about all the time. What’s the end game? The end game is to win. And that win looks like continuing to make a difference and change perspective and give people information that they wouldn’t otherwise have access

Speaker 5 (43:55):
To. Let’s be honest, Chris, here, look, your home’s paid for, your family’s

Speaker 6 (44:00):
Healthy. He’s got celebrity issues. He’s taking pictures.

Speaker 5 (44:02):
You now get to say what you want. You know what I mean? It resonated, man. You just keep going and build and build it because it’s really strange. Bedfellow

Speaker 9 (44:12):
Charlie. That’s why I reached out to you, Charlie, not because I’ve just always been a fan of how, I mean, you won the Pulitzer. To me, I’m much more impressed about how ambitious and dogged and determined you are. I mean, I hope your audience, I think they get it about you, but I’ve never seen anything like it When we were in East Palestine, and by the way, one of the people that we were with there recently passed away and she should not have died. And it’s probably because this was just all too much for her. She had been out of her house. She was homeless, she was living on people giving her things for her and her kids. I’ll tell you more about it offline, but you care so much. And to me it’s like fuel. And that’s why I reached out to you to help me at News Nation because I knew that you are the spirit animal for exactly what I want that place to be. True citizen journalist. And anybody who knows me knows I give zero fucks for blowing smoke at anybody. I’ve been treated badly by enough people where I don’t gratuitously compliment anybody, and I’m trying to make it something that can be a home for critical thinking independence, who don’t want to be co-opted by pardons. And I know that’s not picking a side. I know it’s harder to grow that way. I don’t care. I’m going from quality over quantity.

Speaker 5 (45:31):
Yeah, I want art and fun in this stuff too. Having said that, two things I want to get to. I know you got to catch the plane. RFK Jr joining the Trump team and Co-chairman with Tulsi Gabbard of the transition team. If that comes to play, what do you make of that? I mean, now we’re talking about food and health.

Speaker 9 (45:56):
Yeah, I think if I’m Bobby’s guy, I don’t like it. If I’m Trump’s guy, I love it because you literally gave nothing. There’s no position. You promised him a position in the first administration, you gave him nothing. He could have taken some votes for you in places that matter. If I were Bobby’s guy, I would’ve said, look, you got to suspend it because Shanahan’s making less and less sense for you and you’re out of money, you’re getting off the ballots. Don’t endorse because you’ll have more juice because they’ll, especially as you get closer to November, and you’ll be the commentator in chief and all the media will want you now that you’re not a threat to their respect for the duopoly. But I don’t know that it’s necessarily bad for Democrats. I think it can consolidates their face against perceived crazy, even though I don’t think that’s a fair portrayal of Kennedy. So that’s my take on it.

Speaker 6 (46:50):
The first debate that Kamala Harris has agreed to is on CNN with Tim Walls. Everybody’s saying that that’s A B, C. No, it’s on CNN on interview. Interview, first interview, I’m sorry. The first interview that she’s agreed to, but it’s with Tim Walls and everybody. It’s taped, it’s packaged, it’s presented. What are your thoughts on that? And will we ever really get to see what we are being asked to ask to elect?

Speaker 9 (47:17):
They haven’t handled this narrative. Well, this is a truncated period of time. She’s literally had like five, six weeks to get it all together. It’s not that crazy when you look at it in context as a member of the media, I think you should be doing shit all the time. I think if you’re going to have events, you should also be taking press questions at the events. Sitting down with walls is going to make her look weak. And they had, when they made the choice, Dana Bash is the real deal. I know her personally. I know her professionally. This is another reason for me to be jealous of her for the access that she’s having to them. But she is not a pawn and she is not a patsy. So it’ll be a legit interview and then they have to keep doing them. The idea that, oh, we should all be, how do we feel about this one? As if it’s the only one we’re going to have. We shouldn’t be assessing who she’s doing interviews with because she should do so many that we don’t worry about access. And I think that’s the only bar that she has to meet. She has to do more.

Speaker 5 (48:16):
It’s demoralizing because it’s like so much is being made of one

Speaker 6 (48:22):
Because there’s been no conversation between one

Speaker 5 (48:23):
Interview and one debate. This isn’t, obviously, I know it’s terrible in the polls. I don’t believe the polls not because I’m a denialist. You can hire anybody to make any poll you want, but there’s no way for me to really gauge what she’s really about. Are you for a border wall? Are you for fret, right?

Speaker 9 (48:44):
Yeah, you’re right. You’re right. She’s been complete’s spineless. And I don’t mean that she’s a coward. I’m saying that she’s been completely malleable and that is fair. And you know who says it? Charlie, not Karen, not you, not me. Democratic representatives in Congress. 10 of ’em at least said it to me at the convention. I don’t know where she is on the Iran deal. I don’t know where she is on this. I don’t know where she really is on fracking. Yeah, that’s because she doesn’t say anything and we think that they all sit in the back room and come up with a deal. It’s not like that, especially for the Democrats or a bunch of cats. Alright, I got to jump. They’re going to lose my seat and then I’m going to wind up working for you.

Speaker 5 (49:23):

Speaker 6 (49:25):
Safe travels.

Speaker 5 (49:25):
Chris. What used to be I used to turn CNN down for appearances.

Speaker 9 (49:29):
Wow. I’m going to wind up working for Charlie, not as a journalist. I’m going to wind up packing beans and Francs or something like that, running cable for him. I’m not dating, this isn’t a journalist enterprise I’m worried about. I think I’m going to be painting houses for you or what are you side

Speaker 5 (49:44):
Speaking of enterprise and running through the airport, our OJ don’t Cuomo, he has got to make it to the plane. So we’re going to say goodbye. And

Speaker 6 (49:54):
There’s another

Speaker 5 (49:54):
On the other side of the outra will play you a little bit of Chris’s workout regimen and what he recommends for the older set. Thanks, Chris. Oh, he showing. Look at the guns.

Speaker 6 (50:05):
He’s got time. First class boards first. All right, Chris, see you. Safe travels.

Speaker 9 (50:10):
See you. Thank you very much for the opportunity, guys. I love what you’re doing.

Speaker 5 (50:12):
We’ll see you, brother.

Speaker 6 (50:14):
You know, first class boards first. He’s good.

Speaker 5 (50:16):
He’s got no class. Come on. He’s still down about that. CNA stunt. Yeah.

Speaker 6 (50:21):
Well, and I think it happens at every level. I know a person who got let go for a job that they’ve had lower level, lower level at every lower level, but it does because people take their positions personally and they forget that it’s still a business. And so when they do and they have to go and it’s like, wow, what did I do? What they’d see it as a personal attack.

Speaker 5 (50:42):
What’s interesting is yesterday it was lunch rush here at the Coney and I hadn’t finished snake in the drains, the sewer drains. Very old. Bill, you want to make sure they’re clear. So during lunch hour, trust me, I learned this by lesson. You don’t want to snake sewer drains during lunch rush. So okay, so I’m waiting. And then at the corner of Lafayette and Michigan Avenue here, by the way, Michigan Avenue starts right here. Michigan Avenue goes from Detroit all the way to Chicago, and it starts right here at the county, 1 1 5 Michigan Avenue. So I’m like, okay, somebody threw a malt on the window. I go out there, I’m cleaning it up, and a very prominent Detroiter, very prominent, big businessman, lots of money. And they’re looking at me like they’re surprised. I’m cleaning windows. He goes, is that what you’re doing? No. I go, part of it’s what I do.

One day a week, a man got his, earn his healthcare because at American Coney Island, it’s a great place. Or they have a health plan. And he goes, are you writing anymore? I go, yeah, you can still sign my name, but I’m getting the look from him how far you’ve fallen. And I’m in the game. We’re talking about Duggan, we’re talking about Whitmer, we’re talking about Trump, Harris, he knows all of them. They all come to him. And I’m like, man, you don’t get it. The city comes to me here. Yeah, I’m still a reporter, but I think working people should see a reporter working so they understand, he understands them and he’s from them and he’s of them. And this bullshit silk, not

Speaker 6 (52:32):
From an observation. Brown

Speaker 5 (52:33):
Shoes. I know what’s going on here, and the city comes to me because if I wanted to reach this man in his offices, do you know how long it would take me? Because he knows who I am. And when we’re talking about the city of Detroit, well, Duggan’s a technocrat. He’s good for a Democrat. What’s he saying? He take a Republican as long as they did the same thing. It’s the same.

Speaker 6 (52:55):
It is the same thing.

Speaker 5 (52:56):

Speaker 6 (52:57):
Thing. But Charlie, that too speaks to the fact that people and their perceptions about a position and about what they should and should not do in that professional role, you cut your lawn, you go grocery shopping, you do the same thing. So that whole elitist approach, just because you have a public position, should be abandoned.

Speaker 5 (53:22):
Hey, what strange Bedfellows media is now you got the Tucker Carlson’s doing podcast, Joe, Joe Rogan as a birdie, bro.

Speaker 6 (53:33):
Don Lemon on doing street stuff.

Speaker 5 (53:35):
John Lemon, you got Matt Taibbi, Michael Shellenberger, Barry Weiss, right? These are all over the political map. Bobby Kennedy. There’s a shift. The Democratic Party doesn’t work for working people anymore. Not really. It’s like soft, perky, socialism at the top and raw, naked oligarchical, capitalism at the bottom where we’re tearing at each other. So working people gravitating over towards the Republicans, but they don’t represent them at all. No, they don’t. The leadership doesn’t at all. What is it? Cancun Cruise. Yeah, I mean, seriously.

Speaker 6 (54:15):
But that’s the thing. And when Chris said it’s a game and he’s talking about it in terms of the money and the access, those things influence decisions. It is a game. And people have mistakenly believed that they have some role responsibility or impact or influence

Speaker 5 (54:34):
On it. Agree a hundred percent. But let’s stop calling it the game because it’s not a game. As we started the show off today, 850,000 human beings, one out of every 12 people living in Michigan is in the dark. A game for keeps. The food is poisoned, the soil is right, the ram plant on worn is gone. Really game. This is for, we just, here’s what you got to do. Get yourself in shape. And here’s Chris Cuomo recommending a workout for the Silver Fox crowd to lift heavy things like some people say, or is it better to use your body? Other people say,

Speaker 9 (55:26):
I think you have to condition your body first, and then you can start using resistance. Obviously, muscle confusion is the key to growth. You can always grow. It doesn’t matter if 30 or 60, but body weight, strength, c tric strength is very, very important

Speaker 5 (55:42):
I think at our age, because I mean, as you read about food and everything else, I’m not looking for mass. I’m looking to just keep what I have and make sure I can move my body around.

Speaker 9 (55:53):
You look great. You look great. You want functional strength.


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