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A don’t miss-

Biden and Harris quietly gave the Mexican government $20 billion to hide the migrants during this election season.

Now that voting day is upon us, the migrants are coming by the hundreds of thousands.

Author/Journo Todd Bensman reports from a raft along the Mexico/Guatemala border.



The Secretary of Sham, Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson studied Political Science.

Rocketman Elon Musk studied actual science.

In an attempt at political trickery, Benson’s exposed.


Fact: In Michigan 106% of all adults are registered to vote, including 14,547 people who are 100+ years old, but do not exist.  

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Speaker 1 (00:07):
What do you hear from people from the Muslim community here?

Speaker 2 (00:11):
What do you mean? What do I hear about election? Ask me a question about the election. Its election time in Michigan, and so out of town reporters have booked their tickets to parachute into Michigan to inspect us like it was mating season for the red ass baboon. So there are 70,000 adults in Dearborn, but there are 1.1 million people in the automotive industry in Michigan. I tell them the key to Michigan is Dearborn, but not this Dearborn. It’s this Dearborn. It’s all about cars here in the Great Lake state and it’s not going well. This is the parking lot at the Ford World headquarters in Dearborn. It’s full of unsold vehicles. Likewise, this is GM’s world headquarters in Detroit. It’s a ghost town. They’re moving out next year. It’s not a bustling beehive of innovation, is it? Chrysler’s headquarters is in Auburn Hills just up the highway. The place is a tombstone. It’s European owners just killed the Ram truck here and are expanding it down there in Mexico. But the workers up here are the ones who are out on their asses and they’re not happy.

Speaker 3 (01:16):
And I’ve been here five years working hard, say I’m sweating hot,

Speaker 2 (01:20):
Tired, legs

Speaker 4 (01:21):
Hurting, hard back hard, and you want your car back. You want to give these jobs to other people so you can pay ’em less than what you’re paying me

Speaker 3 (01:29):
Traditionally around here on Eight Mile. You knew it was busy. If you saw the trains running, you saw the hookers out on the street, but you don’t see no hookers no more. They don’t work this area. And I don’t see hardly any trains running over there anymore. Charlie,

Speaker 2 (01:42):
They’re laying off thousands of workers in Michigan and hiding thousands of unsold vehicles. And that’s the story here in the great white North. Now some kittens

Speaker 3 (01:59):
Live from downtown Detroit is the no bullshit news hour with my main

Speaker 1 (02:16):
Andor bullshit. Dobo bullshit.

Speaker 2 (02:20):
Well, not so much. Karen Dumas. See these balloons?

Speaker 3 (02:26):
Oh man,

Speaker 2 (02:26):
Karen’s birthday. I was throwing a surprise party for her and she’s home. First time ever sick. I got her a chocolate chip cake from Big Boys, her favorite delivered by a Chippendale. Yes, her ex-husband.

Speaker 3 (02:46):
Just what every woman wants.

Speaker 2 (02:49):
But give me a wide shot Mark.

Speaker 3 (02:53):
Yep, yep, yep.

Speaker 2 (02:56):
Well, Karen, happy birthday. Jesus. Easy. It’s not like we’re recycling them. It’s over. Happy, happy birthday dear. We love you.

Speaker 3 (03:10):
Yes, we miss you.

Speaker 2 (03:11):
Yes, we do. Got Ramon Jackson, the advocate, the man tearing through all the voter registration, the voters, the absentee voters, the ghost voters. A very reputable man. How you doing, dude? How you doing? Charlie told you we’d have you back. So the federal court throw out your lawsuit, right?

Speaker 4 (03:32):
Yes, sir.

Speaker 2 (03:33):
All we’ll get to that.

Speaker 4 (03:34):
Yes, sir.

Speaker 2 (03:35):
But first as promise, because this is the election season. It’s not election day anymore. It’s 36 days of vote of Palooza and Jocelyn Benson’s, Michigan, right? You can start voting 28 days before the election and we accept ballots from overseas until six days after the election, and we’re going to get into all of that. Josh, I’m going to tell you something. You dope. You’re a dope. You studied political science and Elon Musk studied real science, and we’re going to go through the numbers because it’s you who are purveying, disinformation, and everybody knows my position on this. I do not claim fraud went on in 2020 as I was the man in Michigan that processed the most absentee ballots. But you are leaving this door wide open for conspiratorial and for cheaters, quite frankly, but as promised, the Crocodile Dundee of immigration, the man who’s slogging through the jungles of Panama and Columbia, the guy sort of being kidnapped by the cartel, want to know what you’re doing here, bro?

He just got back from the Mexico, Guatemala border. I mean, no one else is doing this. The guy wrote this book right here. It’s a great book. It’s a classic, since nobody in the world is covering this story like Todd Benjamin of the Center for Immigration Studies. Just know everybody that’s here three generations from now. The only man that was chronicling the journey was Todd Benjamin. This is his book. It’s a terrific one. It’s called Overrun How Joe Biden Unleashed the Greatest Border of Crisis in US History. I think that’s just a fact now. That’s not even opinion. It’s just a fact. How you doing, Todd?

Speaker 1 (05:25):
I’m doing great. Thanks for that intro. I’m totally stealing that. Crocodile Dundee of immigration.

Speaker 2 (05:31):
Alright, let’s do this. Let’s introduce the listening public here to your latest piece of work. You’re on a fucking raft. What’s the name of the river that is the border between Mexico and Guatemala?

Speaker 1 (05:44):
That’s the Rio.

Speaker 2 (05:48):
Okay. This is not on the river. Rio Su Chichi.

Speaker 1 (05:52):
Hi. I am on the Rio Su Chiate River, which is the boundary between Guatemala and Mexico. This is where hundreds of thousands of us bound immigrants are crossing to get to the United States eventually. But right now the Mexican government is hemming them up and blocking their northward progress in the southern state of Chiapas. This is Chiapas over here, Mexico. They’re all headed over there. But what will happen is they’ll find their pathway blocked under a diplomatic agreement with the Biden administration back in December to lessen the congestion at our border for the Democratic party election campaign for president. They succeeded in bringing the numbers way down by blocking them up in Chiapas state and in Tabasco state. But this is where they’re crossing. They’re still continuing to cross. A lot of the immigrants say that they are coming because they are fearful that Donald Trump will win a reelection and close the American border.

So there is a panic, an urgency among the migrants to make this trip, to get over this river and just find some way to get to the American border. The Guatemala side now is we’re told ribbon with gates that are controlling the trade now, whereas once they used to just pay these guys a hundred pesos to cross back and forth, they’re having to pay a hundred dollars a head cash before they can get on one of those boats and it has to be escorted. So a lot of these boats have an escorted, like a coyote on them and you can see them. I tried to talk to one a little bit earlier and I couldn’t do it, but I’m Todd Benson with the Center for Immigration Studies on the Rio Su Chiate River, right smack dab between Guatemala and Mexico.

Speaker 2 (08:06):
It is some wild ass shit, Todd, man. I mean, amazing work. Bravo.

Speaker 1 (08:14):
Thank you. I

Speaker 2 (08:14):
Appreciate it. Okay, now let’s get to this. Let me back up here. It was last year. You said in there the Biden administration met with the Mexicans and cut a deal. It’s been reported by the Mexican press. It’s been reported by you probably. We paid the Mexicans $20 billion and they bulldozed all those migrant camps on the Texas, Arizona, California border and they shipped everybody south. Is that correct?

Speaker 1 (08:42):
That’s right. They call it internal deportation and it’s an operation, the Mexican media calls it Operation Carousel because anybody who gets through ends up caught and deported back. Now obviously we’re still getting 50, 60,000 a month that are making it through. Those are the rich ones that can pay cartel smugglers to pay everybody off. All along the way, cost is no object, but for the most part, hundreds of thousands, untold hundreds of thousands have been trapped down there to keep our border from looking so terrible and making the media go away and do other things. So the point of the trip was to go down into the, I call ’em Caged cities and see what’s going on inside them because we’re two weeks out from the election and kind of what’s going on. And that was the purpose of this trip. I’m still producing my reports from them. I have something that’s going to post in the Daily Mail here, I think today, this morning. I don’t even know if it’s up yet. And then again, something in the New York Post. And then CIS, I haven’t even written half of the stuff that I’m going to write on this thing, but we could talk about it.

Speaker 2 (10:03):
So the Mexicans deported them to Guatemala or deported them to their own city. Petula in Chiapas is on the border there. Where did they send these people to hold them?

Speaker 1 (10:14):
They sent them to their own southern provinces, mainly Chiapas State and Tabasco State, and mainly two cities, but lots of other cities are filled with them too. Tapachula, which is probably the biggest, most crowded one, is the one I went to and another one called Via Hermosa, which is in the neighboring state of Tabasco. I can’t get a good handle on how many are down there, but I’ve been to Tapachula five or six times, and I’m telling you, I’ve never seen it. So shoulder to shoulder sardine can packed as I saw it this time. I mean, and the publisher of the local newspaper said that there are probably 150,000 jammed up just in tapa alone. So I have to figure at least that much are jammed up over in via Hermosa and now they’re doing population transfers within those states where they’re busing them to other cities just to relieve the horrendous congestion that the high misery index that have developed as a result of that Biden diplomatic deal where they’re all jammed up down there. It’s horrendous what’s going on down there, to be honest. I mean, even the most ardent anti-immigration restrictionist would have a hard time not feeling that down there.

Speaker 2 (11:46):
So it seems to me the Mexicans have no intention of sending these people home. It’s just bottle ’em up for a minute and over the next couple days, couple weeks, couple months, assuming let’s say Trump wins, we’re going to get a bum rush and if Harris wins, they’re coming anyway. Is that what we can expect?

Speaker 1 (12:06):
That’s right. And that was part of what I found down there. I interviewed right now in the news, you’ll see caravans are forming out of chua marching. I found one while I was down there and traveled with it for an entire day. I was the only one with this caravan reporter type guy, and I interviewed, I don’t know, many, many dozens of immigrants there and the cops, but the caravans are not heading to the US border. They’re just simply inter city transfers. The US media’s got that all wrong, that they’re all heading to the US border right now. They’re not yet because the Mexicans realize that they’ve got these two important weeks to hold ’em back. They have to hold ’em back before the election. And so they’re not getting anywhere north of Mexico City, that’s for sure. They’re escorted by the military, by the Mexican military, national Guard, state police and municipal police are actually the ones that are organizing, facilitating and moving them from horrendously packed tapa to less horrendously packed other cities in chias state and then blocking ’em in there. That’s really the purpose of those caravans. But you’re right, all bets are off after November 5th. This deal appears to me is it’s all part of a get the US border looking pretty good. Selena, hold on. Selena

Speaker 2 (13:49):
Gomez is calling from the grave.

Speaker 1 (13:51):
Yeah, it’s my wife. Sorry about that. No worries. Somebody. Somebody’s trying to get into the house anyway, I just wanted to, he’s proud of

Speaker 2 (14:05):
Your boyfriend. Want to see if you’re home?

Speaker 1 (14:11):
I thought you were going to be on

Speaker 2 (14:12):
A raft this week.

Speaker 1 (14:18):
Hey man, I’m at home. So good to be home in some ways it’s good to be home is coming. I can’t get it to shut up.

Speaker 2 (14:30):
Oh, your wife.

Speaker 1 (14:32):
Yeah, sorry about that.

Speaker 2 (14:36):
No worries. Okay, so we see the movement coming, $20 billion Monte here from your excellent reporting as well. Do you go where no man goes. You’ve been accosted, you’ve had guns pointed at you. It’s weird stuff. I’m looking at those coyotes on the raft. When I crossed with the Sinaloa cartel in 2000, we had to lay in a field that night and cover ourselves with black trash bags so we wouldn’t be seen. And when they pulled up the dude, we all had to get in the back of a pickup truck with the camper top on it, and it was just wall to wall and they were going a hundred and I was afraid we were going to die. And then the window slides open from the front, the cab, and it’s a guy handing him one bottle of water. There’s got to be two dozen of us, one bottle of water, and he’s totally bald except for a curly cue on his forehead. He looked like Charlie Brown. He looked like Charlie Brown. So when I’m seeing those, you’re floating by the gangs basically. You see his hair. I mean, this guy looks totally urban, like he’s going to the club. He’s got the nice fitting black tee. The hair’s up in a man bun looks totally different than everybody else down there. Yeah.

Speaker 1 (15:53):
Yes. So the thing is, the su, I’ve been going there for years. That’s a really interesting place. It’s a bottlenecks spot where if you’re reporting on immigration, that’s the place to go see it. But what was different this time, I think I was there early last year, I was down there in Chua and what’s different this time is that really dangerous. Sinaloa cartel groups from further north have moved in there and they have seized control of that crossing.

And I mean, these guys are armed up with ars and machine guns and pistols and everything. And so everybody who is crossing there has to pay the toll. Now they get, I have dozens of testimonials about that just to cross on those little boats now. And they have to have these escorts and you can see ’em. They’re all around. Everybody’s scared to death down there on that crossing area. I had some of the kind of workers in the area tell me about what was going on, and it was in whispers and secrets and looking over their shoulders. I mean, I’d never seen that level of fright around that area before. It was usually really chill. In fact, that’s the town of Kuman over in Guatemala, and I always go over to Kuman and hang out and rent a motorcycle and drive all around and et cetera. But this time I didn’t want to go over there. It was just too hairy even for me. But the thing is is that the, I guess the broader, the bigger picture is that the diplomatic deal that we’re talking about that jammed up, all these people gave rise to this opportunity for the cartels. That’s all on the Biden government. It’s on the Mexican government too, which all along should have been blocking that border has always needed to block that border and do deportation so that this kind of thing can’t happen

Speaker 2 (18:01):
And did so under Trump. Eventually

Speaker 1 (18:04):
It did so under, I mean people were moving through up until a certain point under Trump, but Trump is the one who invented this blockade idea for Mexico. Trump came up with it back in 2019 and said, listen, if you don’t guard that border down there and block people from coming in and huge numbers, it’ll be 28% progressive trade tariffs on you. And so the Mexicans complied and it worked. It worked just like this is working. I’m not saying this is a terrible policy, it’s just that under the Biden Harris administration, it’s temporary. It’s just until probably about November 5th. And so everybody there that I interviewed are like, my God, if Trump wins, we’re stuck out here. And so more and more people are pouring through hoping for freedom to move north on November 6th. And

Speaker 2 (19:06):
Let’s make a point here, I mean a hundred dollars just across a river. I hope people understand how impoverished these nations are that these people come from on what a hundred dollars means. I mean, you sold everything and you’re moving. There’s no place to go back to, right? It’s just another world.

Speaker 1 (19:26):
It’s a lot of money. But listen, most of these are economic migrants. They’re not fleeing something horrible. It’s just that they thought that the border was open, get in, and then we had an election where the Democrats were suffering from polling about illegal immigration. So they got caught up in that. They got caught up right in mid stride sort of a thing. I’m thinking that if Trump wins, there’ll be the transition period about 10 weeks where we might very well see a really mad rush over the border as Mexico releases these people finally. And if Harris wins, I’m thinking that the Mexicans, we did our part, we met our bargain, we did our part of the bargain, but we’re done now and we’ll let them go there. Except that that’ll continue for four years. So Trump will get this thing back under control. They’re right, the immigrants are right. They’re going to get pushed back into Mexico, but the Mexicans are going to be like as long as you can get through, get while the getting’s good.

Speaker 2 (20:37):
Now, lemme bring Ramon in here. Ramon Jackson, the advocate, Detroit, Michigan, Ramon. It seems to me that our biggest problem with immigration, the whole system is Mexico, for instance. We belong to a trade block. So the black jobs Trump was talking about, yes sir. These are American companies exporting our jobs to Mexico, paying them $3 an hour and bringing it back up here and expecting us to be able to afford it. And number two, the plurality, not the majority, but the most of people that enter illegally are Mexicans. So what is your take on that, being a Detroiter and what you see for

Speaker 4 (21:20):
The black community here? First I want to say to Todd, thanks for the work that you’re doing down there, Todd. Man, you are a patriot man. I thank you for the work that when Trump got into office, Trump renegotiated the NAFTA agreement and people don’t understand during that agreement, it was 62 before Trump renegotiated. It was 62 production that had to stay here. When he negotiated it went to 75 production, and that means that 13% was increased. That mean millions of jobs was kept here in this country. Us knowing that the automotive industry is a job placement for the black community. So if you are taking jobs out of the country from people that’s in the country, you’re taking away people opportunity to be able to support themselves. So I agree 100% with the tariffs that Trump is placing on John Deere, the automotive industry and that tariff he placed on Mexico to get those, that immigration in order

Speaker 2 (22:27):
When he talks black jobs, I think we both get it. The media makes something out of it. It’s like it’s an urban center. As you said to me yesterday, we understand the packing order and these factory jobs are very important

Speaker 4 (22:41):
To black society here,

Not just factory jobs. When you go, I was talking to a person and they was talking about Uber, even Uber jobs, immigrants is doing Uber jobs. It’s a lot of black people in this country and white people that just won’t drive Uber. Don’t matter what race they is, but it’s certain groups of people in our community that they may drive these jobs. Those jobs are being replaced by the immigrants. They’re saying that, look, most of the, our drivers now can’t even speak English or don’t even talk to us. So people know what they mean by black jobs. There’s nothing racist about it. It’s the job placement that curtails to a certain group of people and we know what it is, man.

Speaker 2 (23:22):
And when there’s a scarcity of workers, that means to get ’em. You got to pay more. When you got an overflow of workers, the price comes down.

Speaker 4 (23:34):
Yes, sir.

Speaker 2 (23:35):
And that hits us all. That’s just simple math, man.

Speaker 4 (23:38):
Yes sir. Yes

Speaker 2 (23:38):
Sir. Todd, I just want to get quickly, your personal perspective is a crocodile gringo here, and you’re floating around, fucking around with cartels flying a drone, right? Going live on the camera. I’ve done that and I get super spooked. I really do. Every move’s. Got to be, got to be thought out. How’s it for you? I mean, do you shit yourself A little bit sometimes.

Speaker 1 (24:07):
I’ve had a couple of uncomfortable moments down there. In August, I was down in Columbia, which was Harry. I was doing the Darien gap, which is this,

Speaker 2 (24:21):
The jungle.

Speaker 1 (24:23):
And that whole area was controlled by this group called the gaa Self-Defense Force of Columbia, which is just a paramilitary drug cartel basically. But they’ve got like 8,000 guys under arms and they control this whole area. Anyway, they caught me filming and they jacked me up pretty good. I wasn’t sure for a while there I was going to get out of the town that I was in, but I’m here to tell the tale. The Darien gap, by the way, is a major story you have as an aside side. Panama’s new president took office. July one has offered to close the gap. All they need is a little bit of American money and diplomatic muscle, and the Americans won’t give the guy a dime to close that Darien gap. They’re leaving it open. But

Speaker 2 (25:18):
You mean because once they close it, there’s a bunch of foreign nationals on Panamanian soil and the Panamanians don’t want refugee camps. They want to fly people home and America. If you don’t want these people coming to you, give us some money to fly ’em home. And that’s all we’re asking.

Speaker 1 (25:35):
That’s right. That’s right. So they just want to fly him back, which creates a deterrence. You don’t want to spend $10,000 to cross through and get all the way to the US border for smuggling and all the rest. If you know you’re going to end up flown back to Africa or wherever you’re from, but the Biden Harris administration won’t give them the money. So the gap’s open to this day. It’s really a golden squandered golden opportunity to really close down a lot of this. There’s people from 190 different countries coming to our border. On this trip alone, I met Iranians and Vietnamese. I’d never met Vietnamese before, but there were tons of Vietnamese in Chua, long lines of them backpacking through the middle of town. And in my hotel too, Armenians, everybody from every country on the continent of Africa, those people all came through the Darien gap, Chinese, all the countries.

Speaker 2 (26:39):
Lemme pause you there a second, because 190 countries is basically every country on, so you have Russians and we don’t really have good diplomatic relations with the Russians. You have Chinese. We don’t have very good relations with the Chinese Venezuelans. We don’t have very good relations, not Nicaraguans, because they’re North Cubans. If the president, let’s say Trump becomes president of the United States, he says what we’re going to do is round up these criminals. Our first priority is the criminals. If you’re a Russian criminal, right, you’re part of the mafia or you’re part of the Venezuelan train gang, or you’re some group from Cuba, how are we going to send them home if those governments refuse to take these people? Where are we going to put the people, the bad guys from countries where we don’t have relations?

Speaker 1 (27:33):
Pretty simple answer to that. It’s called economic sanctions. If you don’t take ’em back. And also visa restrictions. Nobody from your country gets to come in on a student visa or a business visa or a tourist visa ever again until the day you start taking aback. Now, Trump understood that calculus and did it with a whole lot of countries actually did it. And they were called recalcitrant countries and got the recalcitrant countries to reverse their recalcitrants. And now all of a sudden they were quite friendly about return.

Speaker 2 (28:10):
I told you, Ramon, that Todd knows his shit.

Speaker 4 (28:13):
Oh man, Todd. Todd, a good guy out here in the field and I see who he support. He know what he talking about.

Speaker 2 (28:21):
Recalcitrant countries. Have you heard that now me? I’ve been asking. Write

Speaker 4 (28:25):
That down for us,

Speaker 2 (28:26):
Todd. Yeah, write that down and do it phonetically.

Speaker 1 (28:30):
There you go. Anyway, the point is, is that the Biden administration said, well, God, they won’t take anybody back. So I guess we just have to keep ’em. But that’s just patently untrue. You just simply say, take ’em or else, and that’s the way the world works.

Speaker 2 (28:46):
And that’s the way the world works. Okay, Todd, you can hang if you want. I’m going to do a few spots here and then we’re going to talk about Michigan in the election rolls. You probably want to go, your wife’s locked outside.

Speaker 1 (29:01):
No, she that long story, but he’s

Speaker 2 (29:03):
Like, no, I got her locked in the basement. Nah, you got it all wrong. Alright, you want to hang with us? Yeah. All great. You hear what’s going on Michigan. But first Todd Besley was brought to you by Luke Nacky, who reminds you that the politicians lie to you. The media lies to you. How do you know if your investment statement is lying to you? This is what you do. You call a money man who knows you, knows what you need, knows your risk aversion, right? He’s planning a future for you. Do you have kids? Well, do you have kids remote? Yes sir. Do you have a college account for them? Not

Speaker 4 (29:43):

Speaker 2 (29:43):
Do you know what a 5 29 is?

Speaker 4 (29:45):
No, sir.

Speaker 2 (29:46):
Exactly. I didn’t know either until I called low government. What do you mean a 5 29? You put money in the market, it makes money compounds when you take it off of your kid’s college. No tax.

Speaker 4 (29:58):
5 29.

Speaker 2 (29:59):
5 29. In fact, you don’t need to remember that number. You need to remember this. Number. 2, 4, 8, 6 6 3, 4, 7, 4 8. Write that down. Here you go. Get that down. I’m telling you, Luke Noack, he’s the guy. He’ll tailor a financial plan specifically for you from annuities to retirement accounts, to college savings, which is a 5 29. Luke Nacky, he’ll worry. So you don’t have to 2 4 8 6 6 3 4 7 4 8. And Arc Angel Senior Management. If you’re looking to invest in something socially responsible, this is where you want to look. Ark Angel specializes in elder living within the neighborhoods. It’s lovely. It’s nice. There’s gardens out front. There are neighbors who look after you. They’re not loud, they’re not rowdy. The living space is small. If you’re an investor, basically you call Joe Leblanc. I won’t explain it all, but you’re going to invest in the property and you get your return and the caregiving gets paid and along the way, they’re able to buy the home if you’re so willing to sell it to ’em. This is sort of how it works. So the caregivers have a buy-in you. The investor have a buy-in and a return. The neighborhood has elders, which it should. And the elders live way better than we know they’re living now because we saw what happened and what’s going on with them in Covid, right? That’s Archangel Senior Management 9 8 9 6 1 4 0 4 1 6. The care is genuine. The owners are local and Archangel has Overwatch 9 8 9 6 1 4 0 4 1 6. Right? Right. Man, I got a Karen, happy birthday. Got a bucket of chocolate for you, but your head hurts.

No. Excuse me. Too much coughing. Alright, Ramon Jackson, AKA, the advocate real quick, let’s do this take, because you’ve been on the show before, the people know you, you started getting involved and what is going on with Michigan’s voting roles?

Speaker 4 (32:13):
Because why? What’s going on with Michigan voters role? They are being inflated with fraudulent people added to the list that moved away or people kept on the list whose deceased or moved away and been gone for years. Or they got people that they alleged to live overseas on these list too. And that’s what’s going on there. Registering them back to Detroit after leave Detroit without their knowledge and they’re casting votes in their names without their knowledge what’s going on.

Speaker 2 (32:44):
And in 2020 you started looking into this. In 2020 you voted in person.

Speaker 4 (32:48):

Speaker 2 (32:49):
And then you came to find out, no, you voted absentee.

Speaker 4 (32:53):
But I didn’t vote absentee. I voted in

Speaker 2 (32:55):
Person. Exactly. Your friend John Kennedy, nice guy, moved out of Detroit years

Speaker 4 (32:59):
Ago, right? Never

Speaker 2 (33:00):
Voted. He’s never voted in his life,

Speaker 4 (33:02):
Never voted, never registered to vote,

Speaker 2 (33:04):
But all of a sudden

Speaker 4 (33:07):
Moved out of Detroit, showed up, registered to vote in Detroit in 2020, and showed up voting in 2020 and showed up voting and both 2022 elections and he don’t know nothing about it.

Speaker 2 (33:20):
You have dozens of instances of people that moved out of state that somehow are voting in state, which is illegal. Let’s say I moved to California, never. I can call Michigan and go send me the ballot, but I have to have an address in Michigan.

Speaker 4 (33:36):

Speaker 2 (33:36):
And you’re finding dozens of examples where send it to the post office. That’s also my residence,

Speaker 4 (33:41):

Speaker 2 (33:42):
Which isn’t legal.

Speaker 4 (33:43):
Yes. Dozens. Most of the post office here in Detroit have people actually registered to vote at the actual post office address, not a residential address like we was explaining, you can use the post office to get your ballot sent to you so that you can vote at your residential address. But when the post office and the residential address is the same, that’s illegal.

Speaker 2 (34:03):
So you brought this up. You’re not a joke, dude. You’re like, it’s pretty deep. And just like we started the show, everybody from around the world’s calling you the Germans, the

Speaker 4 (34:13):

Speaker 2 (34:14):
Cnn. Right? Everybody. So you’re a serious person. Your findings are correct. You had a suit in federal court that was dismissed yesterday,

Speaker 4 (34:25):
Day four, yesterday, Monday.

Speaker 2 (34:27):
By what grounds?

Speaker 4 (34:29):
Standing? Standing, standing. You can go ahead and Okay, first off, I want to say this, the same thing. All the lawsuits on election integrity, that’s been dismissed. It’s the same concept. If you remember the debate between Donald Trump and Kamala Harris, they brought up election, the election lawsuits, and the same thing. The presidential candidate stated that the judge dismissed all the cases because of standing. He said that I’m an ex-president, and I said, I don’t got standing. My case was dismissed. I’m a black man from Detroit. My case was, my case was dismissed, prove it because it’s standing as well. Okay, Monday. And they said to in my case, that Jackson cannot show that he suffered an injury. In fact, that his concrete and particularized his claim, that the conspiracy resulted in the delusion delusion of his votes in prior election is an injury to his right to vote. Like all citizens who participated in electoral process, the type of injury is so widespread that it amounts to a general grievance rather than a particularized harm. What they’re saying is that it happened to all of us. So yours is not

Speaker 2 (35:44):
Particular. That’s not that strange.

Speaker 4 (35:46):

Speaker 2 (35:47):
So what Ramon Jackson said, you didn’t even bring up the fact in this case that your ballot got changed.

Speaker 4 (35:54):
What? I didn’t bring that up, but I brung up the fact that I was registered to vote after I moved away at an address I never ever been lived at. And also a ballot application was formulated in my name. They never mentioned that in the response because that was a particularized harm, just like they never mentioned. My friend who moved away, who was registered to vote back here without his knowledge and votes was cast in his name. Because those are particularized harms that they have no response for

Speaker 2 (36:26):
This type of injury. Like you’re also saying there’s some illegitimate votes cast out there.

Speaker 4 (36:30):

Speaker 2 (36:30):
And the judge said this type of injury is so widespread that it amounts to a general grievance rather than a particular harm. So now I’m not alleging that there’s widespread fraud. In fact, as you know, I probably quite likely processed more absentee ballots in the state of Michigan in 2020 than anybody at TCF. But having said that, this process is so fucked up. It’s so junky and it’s so incompetently handled by Secretary of State Johnson and Benson, that you leave the door wide open. You could drive a Mack truck through this. Yes sir, for not only conspiratorial but actual fraud. So let’s back up. There’s a little famous Twitter spat here between Elon Musk and Jocelyn Benson. And before I read this to you, I want to remind you something. In college, Jocelyn Benson studied political science and Elon Musk studied actual science. So this should tell you about math. Now on Twitter, Elon Musk says Michigan has more registered voters than eligible citizens. Is that true? Is that true? Well, the fact of the matter is today on Jocelyn Benson’s own voter information site government site, there are 8.44 million active voters on the rolls. Michigan has 7.9 million adults. Okay, so that’s 106%

Of the adult population has registered to vote. Jocelyn Benson tweets back. Let’s be clear. Elon Musk is spreading dangerous disinformation. It should be noted that misinformation is taking information and presenting it incorrectly. You didn’t quite know. I thought two times two was five. Right? Well, it’s not that you’re misinformed, that’s misinformation. If the government or some expert says two times two is five, here’s the study. Everybody knows it. That’s knowingly doing it. That’s disinformation. The political scientist, Jocelyn Benson says, here are the facts and she’s going to give us some math. There aren’t more voters than citizens In Michigan. There are 7.2 million active registered voters and 7.9 million citizens of voting age in our state. Musk is pushing misleading number that includes 1.2 million inactive records slated for removal in accordance with the law. Couple of things there. Let me see that again. I’m going to go through that. Just go through her response. Number one, there aren’t more voters than citizens. She says there are 7.2 million active registered voters. That’s incorrect. There are 8.44 million registered voters in Michigan who can vote if they so choose today. Maybe 1.2 million haven’t voted in a long time and they’re scheduled to be released slated

Like after this election and after the 2026 election. But they can still vote. That’s part one. Part two, madam, you’re spreading disinformation, you’re a dummy. Go onto your own site. The Michigan voter information, I took a screenshot, according to you, updated this morning. There are 8,444,000 registered voters. Those scheduled inactive voters, those who haven’t voted, that you’re going to remove next year after this election are 338,000

In 2027, another 257,000. Basically what I’m saying is there are 600,000 inactive records slated for removal in accordance with the law. Not 1.2. It’s a falsity. It’s a flat out lie and you have to correct it. I will go on your website where you say snitch on your neighbors, and I will let you know that you are engaging in voter disinformation. That you’re trolling. Let’s go back up to the top. There are 7.2 million active registered voters. Well, only 5.2 or 5.5 voted in 2020. So I dunno what you mean by active, but you say there are 7.9 million citizens of voting age in our state. No, there are 7.9 million adults of voting age, but they’re not all citizens. They don’t have the right to vote. And that’s why we’re in the spot we’re in.

Speaker 4 (41:31):
I want to say something in my lawsuit. I covered Detroit having more registered voters than people. A voting age. A voting age. They alleged to have 509,000 registered voters in our city. It’s 25% of 629,000 people is 483,000 people. So they say 25% of the population is under 18. This before the new law chain. So that would make 25% of 620, 29,400 and I mean not four hundred and eighty nine, four hundred and what did I say? 400?

Speaker 2 (42:13):
You’re drawing me in the numbers.

Speaker 4 (42:14):
83,000. Okay, so it’s impossible to have 509,000 registered voters with 480.

Speaker 2 (42:21):
We got 500,000 registered voters and 400,000 adults.

Speaker 4 (42:25):

Speaker 2 (42:26):
Come on. Come on girl. Who you bullshit. Let’s do another one because Ramon’s got all the voting Hello laws. Oh, it’s tied with his wife. According to Jocelyn Benson’s active voter fight, this is Jocelyn Benson. There are 16,666 registered voters of the age of 100 years old or more. 16,666. One out of every 500 Michigan residents is a centenarian. I’ve never met one

Speaker 4 (43:03):
Me either.

Speaker 2 (43:03):
Never met one, one out of five. Oh, I should meet today.

Speaker 4 (43:06):

Speaker 2 (43:07):
Okay, that’s that. But if you go on the Social security administration’s index, did I send you that? Okay. You just have to take my word for it. According to social security, as in 2023, 2,119, people we’re a hundred years old. So Jocelyn Benson, your active voter list is only 680% wrong. This is a freaking joke. You are a joke. You haven’t clarified voting in Michigan. She’s muddied it. She’s turned again into a month long holiday where you don’t even have to show ID or have an address.

Speaker 4 (43:49):
Our voting rights done totally. Our voting safeguards done. Totally been stripped here, especially since we’ve been coming out discovering all the election fraud. They’ve been hammering at the safeguards on voting rights ever since people have been discovering it. I tell people all the time, if we ain’t careful, the foxes is controlling the hand

Speaker 5 (44:11):

Speaker 4 (44:11):
So if they cheated in, they’re going to make sure that laws are put into place to protect them from being caught cheating.

Speaker 2 (44:21):
Right. And again, I’m not alleging any cheating, but it’s Benson herself and these clowns that are calling it into question. She’s the, that threatens election integrity, right? You found a couple dozen.

Speaker 5 (44:35):

Speaker 2 (44:36):
I mean Biden won by 155,000. You can see what I’m talking about though. Here’s one. It is, let see if I can pull it up here. This is the latest one. I want to get the website correct so everybody can go there if they want. It is. I broke my screen so it’s hard to see. Vote from abroad, vote from abroad. It’s a new one. The Democrats put a million dollars behind it. If you live overseas and you want to vote. This is ostensibly what it is and they pretend it’s a shadow deal. They pretend it’s for military personnel and their families, but military personnel are already handled. You do it on base. It’s been around forever. Yes, sir.

Speaker 4 (45:23):
Whole process.

Speaker 2 (45:24):
There’s a little special caveat on this for military personnels or family or those living abroad, period. Within this you can live abroad, never have lived in the United States, never had an address, but you are the child of a citizen or your guardian or your spouse. And you can go on here and you can register to vote. So you can register to vote and they’ll send you the application. And you’ve never been in the United States.

Speaker 4 (45:57):
Remember, the safeguards is being hammered away. The laws governing overseas voters used to be, the only way that you can vote here is that you have to vote from your last address that you resided in before you move abroad. When people started to identify fraudulent people or people that’s cast in ballots from overseas, that’s when that came. What you talking about that now you even lived over here or anything like that? Stopping us from being able to track and trace those voters.

Speaker 2 (46:31):
And you don’t even got to have an address.

Speaker 4 (46:33):
Don’t even got to have an address.

Speaker 2 (46:34):
It’s like the person that you’re related to. Where’s the last place they lived in Michigan. And as we know by Michigan voter registration, it could be near the dumpster,

Speaker 4 (46:44):
Right? For sure.

Speaker 2 (46:45):
And you saw it on there. People are using the PO box. So in this application, you don’t even have to put down the name of your parent, so you can’t even track if that parent exists. So I went out with a friend to this site. All right, what’s your name? Okay, Sirhan Sirhan. What’s your birthday? March 19th, 1944. Okay. What is your mailing address overseas? I said, whoa. It’s SAA one W Buckingham Palace.

Okay. Where was the last address that you know of? Whoever it is you belong to, which they have no ability to check. Secretary of State cannot check the citizenship of your parent. So I said, oh, I mean near to Woodward, which is City Hall. Okay. Do you have a social security number? I do not because I’ve never lived in the United States. Do you have a Michigan id? Oh, I do not. Well just check this box here. Okay. Would you like to receive your voting material, your ballot by email? I sure would. Send it to Okay. Now just sign this box with a special online tool. Sign the box, sign your name and we’ll mail it to you. Now, I didn’t sign the name and I didn’t send it on because Dana Nessel is well known as an incompetent boob. Ask anybody. And Flint is totally incompetent, but she’s well known to be vindictive. And when Jocelyn Bens is engaging on her own disinformation campaign, this thing according to the Democrats, right? They’re all working together. 9 million people might be eligible for this 265,000.

Speaker 4 (48:35):
That number increased

Speaker 2 (48:36):
People attached to Michigan.

Speaker 4 (48:38):
That number increased.

Speaker 2 (48:39):
What is that?

Speaker 4 (48:41):
I want to say this, Charlie, to be able to put a safeguard on them overseas voters, we have to make sure that those ballots landed to them and the applications adequately went to where they supposed to be voting from, or they melted to the address and then melted back. We caught ’em like that with an overseas voter name, Beckman back in February. Remember we found out that they didn’t send the application to Germany. They sent it to Detroit. So it was no way that she was able to take an application, fill one in and submit it back because you never sent it to her. So in order for us to curtail that, we have to follow where they send the ballots.

Speaker 2 (49:27):
Do you believe Ramon Jackson, AKA, the advocate that there’s widespread fraud?

Speaker 4 (49:33):

Speaker 2 (49:35):
Okay. I, Charlie LeDuff, fre advocate, do not believe so. But we both believe there’s an open runway here for such a thing and that people should rightly be concerned

Speaker 4 (49:49):
As your friend Charlie, I say this, if we pull the 2020 election in Detroit, it was 257,000 people voted in 2020, the list is 8,600 pages. If we comb through that list, I’m talking about a team of us, we will find a excessive amount of

Speaker 2 (50:09):
Fraud. You suspect because you did a random sampling and found your own stuff.

Speaker 4 (50:14):
I did.

Speaker 2 (50:15):
You did enough of a basis that those in the media who actually get paid should engage in it. But they’re the trick

Speaker 4 (50:23):
Bag. I found enough instances where the pattern was discovered of utilizing people who have moved out of Detroit and never, ever voted in their life and it was registered back here and voting when they left absentee.

Speaker 2 (50:38):
Okay, listen, I got a piss. So happy birthday Karen Ramon, thanks for being here. Todd, you still there? Thanks for having me. Hope your wife got it. Alright, we’ll see you next week. Remember to vote, vote often.


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