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Detroit Police Union boss says ‘the cop didn’t have to die’

If it’s not safe, it’s not a city. These criminals report in to work every day just like our men and women in uniform. Detroit finds a way to beg for $60 million for billionaire, yet leaves the boys in blue underpaid and under-appreciated.

Join us as we honor the life and service of Officer Loren Courts.

Scam! No more public money for Gilbert’s skyscraper says construction guru.

Dan Gilbert’s skyscraper is a boondoggle. Kim Patton, NBN’s resident construction guru, stops by to give a breakdown of Gilberts shortcomings. No more public money, $60 million would hardly plug any holes made by inflation says Patton. Yup, that’s right Gilbert’s losing his ass on this. We told you.

Daddy and me. Leduff’s tales of fathering and self-loathing.

What does the Lion Queen, the Govinator, and Alexander the Suspect all have in common? Charlie joins Satori Shakoor and The Secret Society of Twisted Story Tellers to share in what it means to be a father.


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